Right. A little about me and where I am in life and what I want next...
I can't answer too much of your questions since I don't have sufficient knowledge about them. But here's a link, for you to look into (which is like a working holiday visa). You cannot legally work in Canada otherwise, so no can do on just arriving and find a job in the bar.
Apart from Canada, New Zealand and Australia also have similar programmes in place for youth under 30 who want to travel and work to fund the travel. May be something worth looking into.
I feel bad, living in Canada but have never been to the west. I don't think it's too hard to find cash paying wait jobs/bar tending types of jobs, if you have previous experience.
The only thing is consider when you would be going. It's COLD in the winter, and I mean COLD! Calgary and Edmonton are smaller cities - you can look into hostels but not sure if there will be as many choices as in Europe. What about Vancouver? I don't know one person who has been there and not love it.
If you plan on going to the US and Hong Kong, you will need more than the 3000 pounds in order to last a few months.
Good luck!
My tip: Consider other alternatives to Canada.
You wrote you are not a huge adventure type, but one of the reasons people go to Vietnam and other far-away places is because cost of living can be significantly cheaper there.
For the same things you can get for around 20 GBP in Thailand or Vietnam (place to sleep, food to eat, things to see) you would spend around 80-120 GBP in Edinburgh.
The problem with Canada (and USA) is that is has similar prices to Europe, so bargains are hard to find.
Bottom of the line: Your 3000 pounds would go a lot further if you went to India, South East Asia, Egypt or South America.
As for your options of working legally abroad take a look at this:
I think you should visit Kerala, India since you feel that Europe and Canada have nothing much to offer. Here there are lots of things to see or else you can enjoy some nice yoga classes/ayurvedic massages. Believe me they are really good for both mind and body.
Hope this helps. Need more. Please feel free to ask.
Come further west into BC.
Edmonton and Calgary are big cities with big city perks.... but the lush mountain, forest and beautiful outdoor activities that British Columbia provide surpass that of our neighboring province. Think about looking into the Kootenay Mountain ranges, or the Okanagan Valley.

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