Dear All,
At the current exchange rate 10k AUD is 6,613.70 EUR. Playing it safe you can expect to have around 6000 EUR. You need approx. 1500-2000 EUR for every month you travel around Europe and that is barest minimum.
When you stop travelling and start looking for a job you should still have around 2000 EUR in your pocket - unemployment is high in Europe and it can be hard to find something. You might be forced to get by without a job for several weeks, so have some extra cash that you can dip in when times are rough. In most European cities you need between 700 and 1000 EUR per month just to pay for rent, food and other necessities.
When you have 6000 EUR saved and plan to work later this amount will thus allow you to travel for around 2 months max.
[ 18-Feb-2010, at 16:17 ]
$10,000 for 6 months travel in Europe? No where near enough mate. Sure you can budget, stay in hostels and stick to activities that are free of charge, but your going there to party and have a good time right?
My advice do your contiki tour first, travel round for a few weeks, then pick a country where you would like to work. Australians can work in many european countries nowadays. ( Germany, Netherlands, France, Denmark,Finland,Sweden,Austria just to name a few. If you dont like one country, pack up and move on.
Getting a job first means you'll get to know a little more about the continent your living on before you go travelling it. There are many things to see and do in Europe, depending on your interests of course you cant really put a time frame on it. There are places youll love and places you wont.
Jump on plane, have a look around and work it out from there, dont pigeon hole yourself before you leave. Sounds scary but it isnt.
Good luck
Xmas and new years - Austrian alps
Cheap Skiing - Get a job at a resort for the winter season

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