Hey All,
Yes, you can apply for both visas from anywhere outside of their respective countries (and for the New Zealand WHV even from inside the country, if with a bit more hassle). So apply for a WHV for the one, travel there, and then sometime during your year there, apply for a WHV at the second country. (Or you could even apply days before leaving to the first country, as both WHVs have a one year period from the date they were issued before you need to start the visa. That's the way I did it myself, way back when. (So not a strange idea to do this at all.))
You also don't need to have a (return) ticket out of the country for either country, only "sufficient funds" to purchase a ticket out of the country, so that shouldn't be a problem either.
[ 20-Apr-2010, at 11:00 by Sander ]
thanks a mill for that! now that gives us more options

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