
Posting New threads - please indicate subject in title

You're right. Your post is a good example.

Another annoying thing: people who post with English so bad it gives me a headache to read it.
Would it kill you to proofread?

BTW, I'm not talking about non-native speakers, I'm talking about people from the U.K., Canada, U.S., Australia, etc. who should know better.

Stop being so Anal...

Posting New threads - please indicate subject in title

I find it very frustrating when posters don't make it clear in the title what their thread is about.

"I want help" - what on? What country"
"Is it safe?" - is WHAT safe? - a country a hotel......
"sex" - (see!?!?!)

please if you want advice, help the other readers - downloading or opening a thread can take time - especially on a Thai internet connection....and then finding it is about Cambodia or Kujuggerbuggeristan is really annoying!

Take two happy pills twice a day for three days and scroll on by. If symptoms persist see your doctor.
That'll be sixty bucks for the consultation thanks.

Edited by Dr. Frieda Feelgood.

At the very least, it would be nice if the illiterate would proofread & correct the titles!

I know - I'm sorry it was a typo - I wrote "sex" - but what I meant to write was......

why don't you ignorant buggers just think for a minute and write a title that gives others some idea of what your post is about.

my apologies to the couple of posters who are clearly disappointed by the actual content herein.

(Seany and Whistler - you may need therapy!)

[ 25-Apr-2010, at 17:37 ]

At the very least, it would be nice if the illiterate would proofread & correct the titles!

I am quite sure the illiterate are not on TP at all!

I agree with both the points raised - there isn't a lot of point in having a title for the thread if it's not meaningful and doesn't reflect the question being asked or the issue being raised. I also find it hard to read threads that are very poorly written and/or badly punctuated.

[ 25-Apr-2010, at 18:49 by bex76 ]

I would hate to deter non- English speakers from "having a go"

and I certainly don't approve of spelling and grammar "naziism" - most have a spell checker or even grammar checker, but they are not infallible, time can be a factor too - if one just wants to make a quick post mistakes can and will happen.

Being dyslexic myself (and at times, a teacher) I'm inclined to give a lot of leeway, but it isn't hard to differentiate between typos and slips and simply bad or sloppy thought rather than the writing itself.

It is the presentation of an intelligible post the counts in whichever way the poster best can regardless of spelling and grammar. But a good title just requires common sense which isn't language far as I'm aware.

However i do get frustrated by lack of thought in these posts - besides indicating that the poster isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the draw it just doesn't help the site, ease of access and searches may all be affected.

All that posters need to do is think about the info they want to access or's not rocket science - to most people anyway.

[ 25-Apr-2010, at 19:38 ]

Y'know, much though I sometimes share this frustration, the situation on this forum is incomparably better than on most forums out there nowadays. I think the percentage of threads displaying these problems is really rather very low indeed.

You have to wonder what actual good is being served by grouching about all those anonymous stupid members who... [insert complaint here]. The very nature of the travellerspoint forums means that beside the slow growing core of regular members like ourselves who've gotten stuck here, there's a much larger (constantly refreshing) group of newly registered members, who don't know the rules and culture and atmosphere of this board. Some learn a little bit by looking, but most just dive in. (And the number of these people who do look around a little and then make a note of how much they like the atmosphere here is much larger than the number of people who don't and exhibit the annoying behaviour that we're complaining about in this thread, so we're definitely doing things right!) There is no effective way to 'educate' the remaining people (other than by example), even if we wanted to have a go at such a task. And when they post a thread with a not-that-helpful title, what should we do? Complain to them about that, giving them a bad first impression about our helpfulness, or just try to give useful advice anyway?

People aren't here to help the site. The site is here to allow people to help people. The site will take care of itself with drawing value from that, and there's enough threads with helpful titles that these will bubble up in the (soon-to-be-seen) search results, regardless of how many threads there are with bad titles.

If a thread is too atrocious for yourself to bother with, simply skip it. You are under no obligation to reply or even to read every thread. Someone else who does want to go through the trouble should be along shortly. (And I really mean this seriously. I've burned out myself on certain types of questions several times, and realized that this is perfectly okay. It means that there's threads for a newer group of members where they can start giving advice, and hopefully discover the satisfaction in doing so which will set them on the road to becoming regular members.)

[ 25-Apr-2010, at 23:29 by Sander ]




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