Thanks for the TP newsletter:
Hmm, good point. It's certainly not intentional! I mean, you have to agree that since the redesign the travel guide gets a LOT more coverage on the site (home page, a ton of forum pages etc)... The basic structure of the newsletter has just grown like that over time. I don't see any reason why we couldn't have a standard recurring featured guide in there?!
I have also been thinking for a few months now that it's time again for a good old fashioned travel guide competition Maybe something to kick off 2011 with, with some extra awesome prizes?! Thoughts on what kind of topic we should give it? Do we go for something that everyone can contribute one line on, or more in depth?
Just posted regarding those prizes... my bad!
Yeah, totally agree Sam, it does get a lot more attention. Well, there are more options referring from the main frontpage etc.
I always though there was one link to almost each subject in the right banner, so also travelguide, but might be wrong about that.
I'm in if an iPad is an option...
(Off topic, but thanks for the $500 from the $1 For Your Review campaign!! Was curious how it was going but afraid to ask... Now I know! Thankfully, I subscribe to the newsletter or I would be totally out of the loop! JUST KIDDING!)
Kick it off for the wiki in 2011. I'm a bit busy until New Years Day.
I always though there was one link to almost each subject in the right banner, so also travelguide, but might be wrong about that.
Not before the redesign. Now it's there whenever someone has specified a travel help subject. It seems to work pretty good, apart from the fact that most travel helpers are still for countries/regions, rather than cities based on how it used to be. In the old design there never appeared a travel guide.
It seems to work pretty good, apart from the fact that most travel helpers are still for countries/regions, rather than cities based on how it used to be.
It might be helpful to allow for editing a travel helper entry to go from country to region/city within the country, rather than needing to make a new travel helper entry for the region/country, copy/pasting the description of the old entry, and then deleting that old entry.
(While I'm at it, it would also be nice if there was a way to change the order of listed travel helper entries on your profile.)
[ 06-Dec-2010, at 11:19 by Sander ]
Not bad ideas Sander. Clearly need to push the feature a little more soon, and this seems like a great idea to lower the boundary to entry!
Agreed, it would be a great idea to have a featured guide article in each newsletter and list a few upcoming events for the month at the same time!
Sander, I think that's an excellent idea. Actually, I've been thinking we need to push the travel helper system a lot harder now that we have it working at city / article level. It's a great way of getting people involved in forum discussions and the guide on an ongoing basis.
Maybe we can send a one-off email to all travel helpers asking them to update their travel helper listing to the cities that they can help in?
There's a number of other ways we can make a lot more use of the travel helpers, which really are an incredible resource when you think about it.
Maybe we can send a one-off email to all travel helpers asking them to update their travel helper listing to the cities that they can help in?
Would be worth a try, but definitely only do this once editing travel helper entries has become more convenient.
Another improvement I thought of: not just allow editing a country entry down to 1 city/region, but allow listing multiple regions/cities under the same entry. For example, I am currently a travel helper for Thailand; I would love to change that to being a travel helper for just Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Ko Samui and Phanum Rung/Buriram, but needing to create four separate entries is a barrier to entry, and it'd get hard to maintain (plus the list on my profile would get huge)
I have mentioned this before, about the travelhelp settings, mainly the fact that my profile with just a dozen or so travelhelp settings (countries mainly) is already too long in my opion. Would be better to have it listed horizontally or with a link 'see more travelhelp settings, countries or whatever'.

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