Hi All, I need to know how much money me and my partner should take to New York for 4 nights/ 5 days??
We already have paid for all our accomadation/flights etc, but not sure on how much to take for food, days out etc.....
Plan on about $200/night for the hotel--and then the rest depends upon what you plan to do in New York.
Subway--just $2 each per ride
Restaurants--hot dogs at Gray's Papaya with drink and fries--$5--but regular restaurants about $20 per simple entree or $40 for upper end spots plus $10 for sides plus $12 per glass of wine or $5 per soda (restaurants are expensive in NYC). Just plan on $80 to $100 per person if you want to really enjoy.
Tickets to a broadway play--$100 to $175 per person without a discount--maybe $75 to $125 with discount (hard to get discounts at Christmas, though)
Taxi to/from airport $90 each way for two people combined. But if you fly into either JFK or Newark and take the metro connecting to the rail systems--then $15 per person.
Museums--free to $35 per person
Radio City Music Hall Rockettes show--about $50 to $80 per persons
Ferry to/from Statue of Liberty--$12 per person
Good pizza--around $10/person if you get a couple of pieces and a drink
You should know that the most expensive cities in the US are (1) New York City, (2) Washington, D. C., and (3) Honolulu, Hawaii, followed by (4) San Francisco and (5) Los Angeles. But NYC is about 40% more expensive than LA (big difference).
[ 12-Dec-2010, at 21:00 by Calcruzer ]
Thank you for all that help! We are hoping to take approx £1000-£1500 (approx $1600-$2300 dollars)
Plenty spending money then Kelly!!! Just dont spend it all in Macy's or Bloomingdales!!!

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