how long will it ever take for april to come around?!
Hi, Sounds like what I did lol. I didn't plan before I left, no hostel booking, no plan on where to go, just went and let things turn out however they turn out. And it worked out great. I remember getting to Sydney, and thinking what have I done lol I was fine within a few hours.
Alone is the best way to go it, I think. No need to plan around people, you meet people out their. And one of the points of going away, is to get away, not to take your friends with you.
I have a friend who did, and he never met anyone, well nothing past a few drinks. He planned all his flights and now wished he didn't. I now have friends all over the world, and I think the main reason was because I went alone.
I'm either going back to Australia next year, or backpacking in New Zealand, it really is so much fun.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions
[ 30-Nov-2010, at 11:01 by jasonh2015 ]
i was in auz for 3 months when i was 18, and kinda know the drill with backpacking, but back then i went out with 2 others and was the 'baby' of the group so didnt have to organise nada!
now im older, supposed to be wiser, and instead I have a flight booked and a WHV got.. and not much else planned! I know ill have that major panic of doing the wrong thing when im saying goodbye to family at the airport but nothing ventured nothing gained?! did u work when u went out?
iv never wanted to go to nz but my sis is just back from 2 years out there and regrets coming home..
I just dont want to turn out to be like ur friend! at the minute im anal about EVERYTHING in life and think i just need to do this and take a step back and reassess life.. ill prob just end up chatting to anyone that will listen while trying to ignore the homesickness!
I was in Australia for about 4 months, and loved all of it. And as for work, I used that word very loosely while i was their. I had a job at Railway Sq YHA, nothing to hard, just helping with events. But it was with friends I met out their. Loads of free food, and discounted accommodation. I had a job in a warehouse, but only worked for like a week, too demanding on my social life lol
I suppose I used to be a but like yourself before I went, and work is boring. Always doing the same stuff every weekend. As for homesickness got it in week 2 or 3. I saw a big map on a wall in the hostel and then noticed I was a long way from home. But it passed.
I think some people are in a rush to settle down, I'm not ready yet
well done on taking the decision to take the plunge. Australia is an amazing place where hopefully you'll have the most fantastic experiences.
My girlfriend is also a fully-qualified EHO but is also struggling to get a job in the UK. We've thought about going to Australia or NZ as the qualifications are relevant in commonwealth countries but unfortunately, unless you have 4+ years of experience in an EHO position, the chances of you landing a job are slim.
My guess is that you are young (under 35) so just go on a WHV (working holiday visa) and enjoy it. Work enough to get by but not any more and just enjoy yourself.
You never know, when you come back the UK's public finances might be in better shape and there will be a few more jobs around.
Good Luck!

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