Hi All,
My Partner and I are travelling to NEW YORK for a 4 night break in Feb 2011. We are flying from Heathrow.
We have always wanted to visit the City to do some sight seeing and just have a nice break. We have never been to anywhere in America before.
Few worrying questions!:
Hi Kelly,
You have nothign to worry about. I have a D&D conviction and ticked no to the box as well and had no problems. I'm sure driving offences are not counted.
In regards to JFK airport, they jssut ask really stupid silly questions, you'll be fine.
Nothing to worry about at all!
Thank you for your reply! I hope it is all ok, just sooooo worried, but then I am a worrier anyway!!
Don't know for certain about the visa question but I expect nilbo is right that you have no worries.
Regarding JFK, I've been through it a couple of times. It can be a bit time consuming but certainly nothing to be worried about. Only asked standard questions about reason for travel etc.

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