Ok so I am going to do my big O.E. with my partner and we are going to move from New Zealand to England in march next year for 2 years.
I'm biased, but I would recommend Manchester. It's got great nightlife, shops and transport and the cost of living is much more reasonable than London.
I did the same thing and came to Cambridge because I had family here to put me up! Excellent decision - I'm still here nearly 9 years later.
However Manchester is an fantastic suggestion if you are after the big city experience and Bristol has a superb reputation too. Edinburgh is very popular too but beware in winter it is beyond cold and is dark most of the time.
Good luck!
Oxford. No brainer.
thanks so much for the feedback was hoping for a few more replys than I got haha
agree:: oxford / bath or cheltenham
bristol superb reputation? not sure if i agree with this but i do agree scotland is colder
If you are not to keen on london then brighton is a great place.
If you are not to keen on london then brighton is a great place.
is that a joke? lol
a quick google search finds:
Brighton is a good place whether you're gay or straight, it's a fun, cosmpolitan seaside city with a lot going on. The main problem is that it's quite expensive compared to most of the UK. But so is Oxford. If you're after somewhere cheaper, I would suggest looking at Manchester, Bristol, Leeds or Sheffield.
I have always lived in Leeds but love it here and would recommend it if you don't want to live in London. Manchester is also a great place too. They're not that far apart, only an hour's drive or train ride so you could check them both out before settling in either permanently. Both are great for shopping, socialising, eating out, watching sport (football, rugby, cricket), live music etc... and rents are much cheaper than in London!
Hope that helps a little?!

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