hiya peeps,
Also looking for tips... Salvador with 2 other girlfriends.... don't have anywhere booked, but waiting to hear back from some places in Salvador...maybe getting an apartment and willing to share with some others to share the costs.
Hi i'm Luke,
From australia, will be in Salvador for carnival with two other mates. I haven't booked any accomodation yet and am willing to share if anyone is interested.
I am elizabeth, an american student who will be studying in Brazil for a few months, and plan on arriving early for Carnival. A girlfriend and I will be arriving in Salvador on February 26 and staying through Carnival. From what I have been reading, going in on apartments seems to be the most affordable option. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
hey guys, I am arriving in Rio with a girlfriend on Feb 27th and heading to Salvador from March 3rd- March 7th. I did mass amounts of research on places A lot of places require minimum 7 nights stay for the apartments. We managed to get a place in a pousada for $1000 Canadian for 4 nights for the two of us. Crazy expensive, but the other options were shared rooms in hostels, and they were still about $400 each for 4 nights. Most places are filling up fast, we booked today and I literally was on the computer emailing and trying to find places for hours and hours! The best areas to be close to the parades are Ondina, Barra, Pelhourina and Campo Grande. There are two parades in different areas. .... hope this helps!
I'd say your best bet would be couch surfing because prices are going to be astronomical coupled with the fact that the reais has got progressively stronger over the years.

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