I have a nice backpack, one that will serve me well for my next trip. I may well take it but I'm thinking of buying a large leather holdall. The reason being that I'm going to Japan, Taiwan and maybe Australia and kinda feel that a backpack is not really necessary. I'im not gong to be doing any trecking or such. Does anyone else use/prefer to use a holdall?
i love my backpack, and even just getting on trains, buses, planes etc. and having my hands free to hold and check passport, ticket, money etc. i find makes a world of difference. It also makes running for connections if late very easy! It's up to you, but personally i've thanked goodness many a time for having my backpack instead of a carry or pull bag.
hi guys
im heading to Thailand and oz for a year next June and I dont know how on earth I am going to pack all my stuff into a bagpack I would just luv to take a suitcase on wheels with me...is anyone taking a suitcase with them??? first time I haver ever travelled.
like i said above i love my backpack, but that's because it fits my way of travelling. I don't take much when i travel so it usually isn't a problem as to how much has to fit into it. If your travelling a lot on trains, planes, buses etc. and need to be on the move with your luggage a lot then i suggest a backpack, but if your staying in one place for a long period of time and just need a way to get your stuff to that place, then a suitcase is perfect. In the end it's what your willing to put up with and what your willing to go without (if your putting all in a big backpack). Hope this has helped, and all the best with your trip, Meg
Hmmm, I might even take my backpack and the holdall. I think that could be the best bet. So I can use the holdall as hand luggage.
Thanks Meg!
Im taking a suitcase but then i plan to buy a car and travel that way around the states!

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