im doing the same as you! would be great to go with friends but cant wait around forever! im heading to sydney the first week of march. have already got my whv..have you got yours? how long are you planning on staying out there?
how old are you? im 18, so like you..will be a little aprehensive when it comes to it being a young girl travelling on my own! you soon meet people though!
be good to hear from you
Ye im heading around the first or second wk too, i avent got my visa yet waitin til jan to apply for my visa. Im hoping to go for a year minimum, im 23 and kinda nervous but was looking into Ozintro for the first week, dont know whether it good but might be good for meeting other people.
Where are you from Abi? I heard people ment to be very friendly and helpful so fingers crossed.
Ahh wow, i had never heard of that. searched it on the internet and looks like a good idea, more than likely ill be doing that!
Im from Chelmsford in Essex.
just the website ive been looking for
im heading over to sydney end of march !im 20 male ,from east sussex,wanted to go with sumone but my friends just cant do it due to girlfriends,kids and such! u only live once ay soget it done before u buy a house n have kids ! looking to work after ive had a few months chilling out , possiblesouth sydney for me as got a gd community for kitesurfing also gona try do a ski season in the snowy mountins if possible !
got my whv whithin a few hours of applying ,but they do change how easily they give them out so best to do this asap !
is ozintro pricey ?
bank accounts are easy to get over there passport is all the id u need
medicare cards are simple to get just gota fill out a form n show passport at a local branch
i booked my flight with sta n got it for 450 ? duno if its the best deal
hope this helps
Hi everyone!!
I went to Australia in 2007 when I was 19 and travelled by myself too.
Cannot believe you got a flight for £450 sammy921 !! That is a GREAT price. I paid £600 for a return flight to Perth from Heathrow in 2007 and I thought THAT was a good deal! Lucky you.
First thing to say is DO NOT WORRY! (OK maybe easy for me to say now!) But honestly, you will be fine. Make sure that when you arrive, be it Perth/Sydney/Melbourne/Carins, etc etc, that you check into a hostel with a good sociable vibe. Have a look on hostelworld website for reviews before you go. Always stay in a dorm room, you could start with a 4 bed dorm so that you're not too daunted right away. Or jump straight into the hostel community and stay in a 10/12 bed dorm! Depends how shy you are.
Introduce yourself to everyone in your dorm and if they invite you out GO WITH THEM! (If they seem nice of course!) In hostels, people tend to gather in the kitchens/tv lounges/bar areas etc. So go and hang out there. Ask someone a question to break the ice, like can they show you how to use the internet/show you where the cutlery is/where the local bars are. Asking people in your room if you can borrow their straighteners/adapter plug etc can also break the ice. SO CAN ALCOHOL! So share yours!
I never had any problems in any hostel I stayed at. I found everyone to be friendly and willing to help you out/share their booze!!
If you have any questions please feel free to ask me I will try to help you. I also worked in Aus through an agency in Perth, so any questions about the WHV or working in general, ask me I might know the answer.
Hey everyone,
The flights for me are a bit expensive, so tryn to save up for them. Is there any hostels you could recommend stayn in sydney sunnypie? I'm kinda nervous about sharing a room with other people but really want to make friends too.
Does the weather vary all over austraia between may and august?
Thank you for all your advice
Hey guys/girls
Just the thread ive been looking for
Im heading out to oz alone as well in feb. Going perth 1st and then onto sydney. Not sure how long in each yet but definitely planning to work along the way.
Has anyone got any advice on getting work? hoping there will be a lot about. Also any hostels that people can recommened?? ive really not planned much atm lol
thanks, dave
hey guys,
I'm hoping to head out to Asia march/April for a month then on Aus after. Not booked my flights yet but heading possible to Sydney or Melbourne to start then up the coast? still deciding. I am a Scottish female travelling myself looking for fun people to travel with or meet for drink. Get in touch if you fancy a chat

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