hi me and my partner are planning to traveling next year to vietnam, thailand, cambodia, aus and nz but cant find out when is the right time of year to start and in which direction to go, idealy we would like to go to north vietnam working down through cambodia to thailand but it seems difficult to find routes that go in this dirrection, could anyone give us a bit of advise on this. thankyou
Best time to go is usually about the beginning of November at the earliest, when the rainy season has finished. December or January would be even better but you are starting to get into the high season so do book accommodation, flights, etc rather than leaving them to the last moment. By April it gets uncomfortably hot, and June the rainy seasons start.
I would start from Thailand as Bangkok is a bit of a travel hub. Lots of savvy travel agents on Khao San Road. Possibly your best route would be flying to Aus or NZ and stopping over in Bangkok on the way, maybe even allowing for some overland travel, so you pick up the onward flight from elsewhere to save going back on yourself? If you decide on a RTW ticket, they work that you continually travel in one direction and do not double back on yourself (take side trips).
You can take side trips from Thailand to other destinations in Asia using cheap online airlines like AirAsia, or take one of the buses leaving KSR for Vietnam or whatever. If you are going through jungle areas, do get the shots and tablets, especially malaria. Meanwhile you need to decide exactly where you want to go and what you want to see. Internal flights in Aus are usually cheaper booked before arrival. NZ distances are much shorter so you can take buses as well as planes.
Once you have some idea of exactly what you want, post each part here and ask questions on it. Note: Cheap flights are usually booked 4-6 months in advance. Leave it later and you'll find yourself paying a lot more, with less choice.
thankyou you've been very helpfull.
I visited Thailand last December and it was wonderful. One of my best trips ever.

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