Airport body scanners - UK No Opt Out

Hello all

I totally agree.
Between 1939 and 1945 that imperialist hegemonist capitalist brandy/champagne -drinking bastard Winston Churchill had the fecking audacity to place hundreds of nasty big balloons and anti-aircraft guns around London, issue ID cards and imprison persons for national security reasons when peaceful and tolerant fascism just wanted to feel the lurv.

Hi wotthefigh

Thanks for the reply. I believe people like winston churchill was just a puppet, in a long line of puppets (past and present) put in place to escalate a specific agenda.. but thats another thread altogether

We are losing more and more rights and people are happy to let them go... Maybe they would'nt be if they were more informed and looked beyond the main stream media.

Hi wotthefigh

Thanks for the reply. I believe people like winston churchill was just a puppet, in a long line of puppets (past and present) put in place to escalate a specific agenda.. but thats another thread altogether

We are losing more and more rights and people are happy to let them go... Maybe they would'nt be if they were more informed and looked beyond the main stream media.

Inflate or deflate on your puppet

And the agenda is -------------------????????

[ 09-Jan-2011, at 09:44 by wotthefiqh ]

Radiation shouldn't be an issue here.
Some 40,000,000 UK citizens have a mobile phone. Each phone emits small amounts of radiation. So 40,000,000 small amounts of radiation, as I see it - equals one big amount of radiation.
I hear no objections, or plans to ban mobile phones in the UK.

Airport body scanners - UK No Opt Out

Airport body scanners - UK No Opt Out

Airport body scanners - UK No Opt Out

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