Whats Peoples Experiencing of items they packed in their backpacks before they left to go travelling but didn't end up needing it in the end? Im doing a RTW and it will be my first time travelling, I want to travel light and make sure I dnt pack things I won't use...
This is a good post i'd like to know this too!!!.....
Don't pack extra jeans, especially if you are going to hot climates. They are very heavy and you won't need more than one pair if you are wearing shorts everyday.
The things that I regularly take but rarely use are a light raincoat or waterproof bags for camera. That's about it regarding clothes, shoes and main items. But if I DON'T take them with me I will probably need them
I never end up using the umbrella I pack. I find it's easier to just pick up a cheap one wherever I am if it starts raining.
I love this post!!! We are 2 girls away for 6 weeks during Dec '11/Jan '12 we're going to need to know!x
Half of your clothes, you end up buying so much along the way. same with tolietries, I love buying local products for thier different smells and ingrediants. Honestly, in 13 months of travel through mulitple types of climate I didn't miss anything I didn't have. If in doubt leave it at home.
Quite interesting thread........I generally used to pack dark clothes while traveling as they are less likely to give dirty looks.

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