Travelling to South East Asia and Australia... Help? :)

Hi Everyone,
I'm a 22 year old female from Liverpool, UK. I am finishing university in July 2011 and looking to start travelling either August or September. I am planning on applying for a Working Visa for Australia so I can stay there up to 12 months and earn some money if thats something I want to do. However, at either the start or end of my trip I want to spend around 6 weeks in South East Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) but I don't fancy going there alone so I'm looking for a possible travel buddy whose plans are similar to mine. Once in Australia I plan to visit relatives in Brisbane but also spend a considerable amount of time in Melbourne and Sydney too.

Hi Zara.
Sounds like an exciting trip that you have planned. I hope to be around and about S.E. Asia some time around then, so we may bump into one another. Should be leaving very early Septemeber with 2 friends (a guy and girl). However we are planning traveling our way to S.E. Asia, starting in Scandinavia, through Russia, Mongolia, China etc. After exploring S.E. Asia we too will be heading for Australia for a little while with the intention of finding some work to replenish our funds! So there is every chance your paths may cross along the route!

Take care and hopefully talk to you soon!


hi zara, im planning on travelling to thailand malaysia cambodia laos and then upto hong kong where ill get a flight to sydney.

havent decided when to go yet but thinking july aug possible aug sept. only going for 6-7 weeks.

spending most of my time in se asia and then just week or two in sydeny as my friend lives there so just visiting before home.

my family are all from liverpool, i live in runcorn so not far from you. if your still thinking about doing this trip would be great to share plans maybe meet up. im going alone but im hoping to meet ppl before i go .... makes it all alot less scary!!! ha

Laura xx

Travelling to South East Asia and Australia... Help? :)

Travelling to South East Asia and Australia... Help? :)

Travelling to South East Asia and Australia... Help? :)

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