Can I embed my favourite songs on various pages of my blog??

Hi there great team! Is it possible to have music playing for readers to enjoy when visiting my blog

Hey there, I'm afraid there is not really any chance of us adding this. I can see why it might seem nice, but a lot of people like browsing the net in silence and when a site starts playing music, this can be a really big turn-off. I personally pretty much hit the back button as soon as a site plays audio without my permission!

That said, we clearly *do* need a way of embedding audio in blog entries. These would not autoplay though - they'd only play when the user clicked on them to see what they sound like. So you could use something along those lines. Hopefully we can add this soon. I think it's waited enough..

You can use the video upload area to upload mp3's as well and then embed them.

You can use the video upload area to upload mp3's as well and then embed them.

That does embed a giant black video player though right? Would be nicer if it was just an audio embed. Must admit I haven't tried though, so maybe it does the right thing

Yes, a whole video player. There's a here...

Perhaps we should just allow the embedding of a few popular music services? That also means copyright issues are taken care of by others

The use I'm thinking of is not really music, but audio recordings that people make while travelling. It's been mentioned a few times in passing.

Love your blog by the way Gypsy Lee. What a great experience you're having

THANK YOU!! Always encouraging to hear good comments...its a lot of work but I so love sharing my journey.

Audio clips would be awesome....yeah!! Like the sound of a grizzly chasing you down the hill in Alaska !!!

Can I embed my favourite songs on various pages of my blog??

Can I embed my favourite songs on various pages of my blog??

Can I embed my favourite songs on various pages of my blog??

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