Trivial Question... South American beer.

Just a fun question if anyone fancies answering it. Everybody always talks about south american wine being great blah blah. Not being a wine drinker and a serious lover of beer i am just wondering what ur experiences of the beer is in different countries. I have been travelling to a lot of places before and always heard alot about the beer before i went, but have heard nothing about the south american beer. Any recommondations or funny beer stories ????????

Costa Rica

Google " Costa Rica Beer"

Costa Rica's most popular brand, it seems like you can't move 10 feet without spying the very Russian looking eagle-emblazoned logo of Imperial. The beer itself is a straightforward American-style pilsner. Light bodied with a somewhat sweet malt and corn base, a crisp dry mouthfeel, and just a light pepper kiss of hops in the finish. I'd rate it as a 2-1/2 to 3 star average beer. It won't offend Bud drinkers who are unaccustomed to flavor.

Well, The question is SOUTH AMERICAN beer Rhmyers.

I, personally, am really partial to Aguila, the Colombian beer. There is no sugar in the the thing, and you can get some skunky ones because it turns fast....But it doesn't seem to be fattening and is damned refreshing....In fact, I love ALL Colombian beers.

I like Escudo in Chile. They have Heineken down here, but it ain't really Heineken. I also like Cristal...The beer, not the champagne.

Uruguay has Pilsen (lousy) and Patricia(great).

Venezuela has Polar.....Is there another beer in the country? I like Polar, as it's light and refreshing...Hell, People have it at breakfast. I canoed down the Orinoco with seven cases of the stuff. I cannot think of another brand in the country. The brand, there, is as ubiquitous as Coca Cola in the West.

Welll, I could go on. But you give no itinerary, so....

A selection of the most popular ones in Brazil (and my rating):
Skol (5/10)
Antarctica (4/10)
Schincariol (3/10)
Bohemia (7/10)
Devassa draft (8/10)
Devassa can (5/10)
Brahma draft (6/10)
Brahma can/bottle (5/10)
Kaiser (3/10)
Eisenbahn (9/10)
Cerpa (8/10)


If you like a little darker lager, try Quilmes Bock in Argentina. Top stuff, it looks like a stout, but it's not! Argentine girls look EVEN BETTER after 8 of these.....


If you are down around Bariloche try El Bolson which is produced just south of there. There are several fruit flavours which are beautiful for a wee change from the typical Quilmes which you find everywhere. A couple of the bars there had their own micro breweries too. Very nice but don't recall the names.

A selection of the most popular ones in Brazil (and my rating):
Skol (5/10)
Antarctica (4/10)
Schincariol (3/10)
Bohemia (7/10)
Devassa draft (8/10)
Devassa can (5/10)
Brahma draft (6/10)
Brahma can/bottle (5/10)
Kaiser (3/10)
Eisenbahn (9/10)
Cerpa (8/10)

Nice list!
In Rio Grande do Sul, the Polar beer (not to be confused with the one from Venezuela and abundant on the Netherlands Antilles as well) tasted very good and smooth as well.
They don't 'export' it though to other states in Brazil as far as I know.

I don't recall the name of it and I am trying to make it out but that was one of the best cans of lager I ever had. A couple of them after each day in the Torres and I was out like a light and ready for action the next day.

Think it's called Austral. Lovely.

[ 02-Feb-2011, at 03:54 by tricky ]

....I found drinking beer at altitude pretty ....erm challenging ....all those bubbles....
Arequpenia...Cusquenia.....nice but i couldnt drink many without my stomach turning into a balloon! haha!

Trivial Question... South American beer.

Trivial Question... South American beer.

Trivial Question... South American beer.

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