As far as I know it's pronounced the same as Bart.
bawt as in bought and sold.
soy, as in the bean
Transliterations of Thai are all over the place. The "official" transliteration is a complete third language!
As far as I know it's pronounced the same as Bart.
but without emphasis on the "r" Think of the sheep Baa with a "t" on the end.
Sawatdee khrab. I miss saying that so much.
I always just say baht like in bah humbug with a"t" on the end of bah. Most Thais seems to understand.
Not many of the 15 million tourists who visit Thailand each year pronounce Thai words correctly and they seem to do okay in the end. Thais will gladly take your money no matter how bad you mangle the word!
Even Thais say some words differently from region to region.
Best way to say it is "BOT" . You can try to pronounce it like the Thai's with the "h" sound after the B but not necessary. There is no emphasis on any other letter, sounds just like, "BOT."

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