I recently visited both of these countries, and while there are a lot of cultural similarities, I would certainly like to go back to Nepal...but I will never go to India again!
In Nepal, despite being a poorer country, the people were great...helpful and honest. The country was very beautiful, the food good. The visa charge was inexpensive.
I found your perception of India interesting, yet I'm curious why you posted - do you want to stop people from going there? I spent a month in India in January/February 2011 and found it to be an astonishing, fascinating and challenging place. Although I experienced the same rip-off attempts at restaurants, rubbish etc as you did, I think it is easy coming from a country like Australia as we do, to judge people for these actions without considering their perspective. The moral high ground is a luxury afforded to people who live in safe, easy environments where a government will always ensure they are provided for. Although I don't attempt to excuse every pickpocket and rip off artist in idea, but I think it's important to consider the motives behind these actions that you're talking about.
India is different to Australia. I don't think this is an excuse to write off the whole country and it's people. Even if every person you dealt with was dishonest or difficult, this also isn't a reason to generalise these traits to everyone. Also, the fact that you are charged to visit monuments at a higher rate than locals means they can enjoy their country's sites for a price that is reasonable to them. Sure, I paid 500 rupees or whatever it was to see the Taj instead of the 50 rupees the locals pay, but this is ten bucks in Australia, which I can earn here in a crappy retail job in half an hour. I guess what I'm advocating here is a bit of perspective.
Mmmm...you ask me to consider the motives behind the actions I encountered in India. So cheating the tourist is excusable if you happen to live in India? I don't think so...dishonesty is dishonesty...however you look at it!
I stand by my comments...I don't excuse the cheating in India, as it never happened to me in Nepal...which is an equally poor country, in fact, more so!
The Visa charge in Nepal was about USD10 from memory, and was easily obtained on entry at the airport.
The Indian Visa was about AUD 96, and involved a complicated application process before traveling (India seems to think everything has to be as complicated as possible!).
One other point I omitted to make before...in India I often encountered officials giving me the 'run-around'....in other words, actions that should be straight forward are made deliberately complicated and confusing ...so that you are left quite frustrated! I have the sneaking suspicion that this is done so that you will 'fold' and pay a bribe to get the service you want! Something that I believe they call "easing the way".
Well...I refused to offer bribes!
It's interesting to note that there was a newspaper campaign on while I was there aimed at stamping out corruption....but judging on the way it is entrenched through the system from top to bottom, they will be saddled with it forever. And you don't see paying bribes as dishonesty?
As for much higher charges for foreigners to enter tourist sites... in Australia the charge is the same for everyone...no discrimination....and we have a range of citizens from super rich to poor....just like India does. I've heard about the wealthy Indian people, dripping in gold jewelry entering at the cheap local rates...so there is no reason for locals to be favored, in my opinion.
I'm sorry...but I did encounter a rip-off mentality in India, and so will never go back... no matter how 'incredible' they choose to think the country is!
That should be...'pay bribes'.

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