Hi guys,
Use the T (light rail transit) to move around. Walk the Freedom Trail (free) and take in Boston's rich history. And visit the frigate ship USS Consitution ("Old Ironsides") still a commissioned US Navy vessel.
Is Boston safe? Do you think I can see all of Boston in a day?
Also, isn't the freedom trail not free? I saw a tour but you had to pay for it.
I can't tell you if you can see a good portion of Boston in one day. I've not been there, personally. But, as for your question about the Freedom Trail, here is a place to start for a free guided tour:
It is 'first come - first served.
As for being safe, as I stated, I have not been to Boston. But, like my response to your Chicago thread, (ignore Cyberia's stay in and watch TV comment ) Boston will be no different than any other large city. Use common sense and you are only there for one day.
The things Ham Radio have suggested will keep you from entering areas that may be 'iffy'. It's honestly hard to enter into bad territory when you are only visiting for a few days in each place.
I have yet to visit a large US city and felt threatened as I was there for only a week or two. All that comes to mind is the song "Walk Like An Egyptian" - meaning head up, with confidence and not allowing yourself to cower as though you are afraid. Enjoy your visit and relax. You will enjoy your trip(s) to the different cities.
I love Boston, their are so many great things to see and I love all of the history. When I did the Freedom Trail, we didn't take a tour so it was free and we went at our own pace. We followed the red brick path and visited the historical places we were taken to (where guides there could explain the history and things as well).
Some other great things that are free or low cost include Museum of Fine Arts, JFK Museum, the Boston Public Garden is beautiful (you can ride a swan boat there or there are Duck Boat tours). I really liked the Old North Church where there were laterns telling Paul Revere if the British were coming by foot or by sea. You can visit the replica of the Mayflower and the USS Constitution Museum (I can't remember if these last few are along the freedom trail).
Newbury street is filled with boutiques, Paul Revere's house is around too. Again, there is so much history and I remember seeing so much in a day or two because everything in the city is right there. The Freedom Trail is something you don't want to miss and will have many well known sites along the trail.
Do you think I need more than a full day to see Boston? I was told it's really small and one day would be enough.
I think it could be done in one day if you moved quickly. The Freedom Trail was free for us because we chose a starting point and followed the path and stopped in the historic spots. You have a guide explaining things to you at the historic sites anyway and we loved taking our time and seeing and reading things along the way.

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