Seriously thinking of going this year nnow just cnt decide and dont know if 6 grand b enough!!
6k is easily enough if your going to work there, my friends been there almost a year now and he only had £3500 after travelling se asia.
Ttthats going to oz too though?
yeah, he went through Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and then over to Australia.
Cool def thinking of going then!!!
As long as you leave yourself £3.5k to get into Australia you'll be fine .
It all depends how flash you want to live out there, you can sleep in a comfortable hostel for as little as $20 in Thailand & with food & drink costing like $2-3 I imagine a few grand should be able to last anybody up to (and maybe longer) 6 months. Plus Cambodia and Vietnam is even cheaper than Thailand too!
just need to earn tht couple extra grand quite quick and ill be alright.might start selling stuff lol

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