Hi all,
I'm moving to Canberra in January! Its 2 hours north of Sydney.
Are you moving there permanently or just for the year to travel and work?
Im looking to do the same, but later in 2013 about Aug-October,
No plans just yet, i just want to get away do some work and maybe stay there if i like it
Only 17 at the moment but ill be 18 when i go
Hi Sam,
Lovely to meet an aspiring traveller of a similar age! Screw Education am i right?!?
Haha even talking about travel gets me excited
Actually Canberra is 3 hours SOUTH of Sydney, and it's the most boring city we have here, I'm not really sure why you would be moving there unless you have a job lined up with our government?
I know right, i only want to go to uni for the social side of it lol, not wasting around £30000 haha!
Im so excited and ive wanted to do it for so long!! Everyone thinks i wont go but nothing stopping me
Couldnt agree more Sam!
Ill be finished college next month, then its just applying for jobs like a nutter, and getting the good ole' finances sorted for next year. Cant wait to get my travel on...
Good man!
Ive got a year left at college, it will fly by
Save as much as you can so you can go crazy in oz

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