Trips not saved!

I just added some new trips and thought I saved them but now they are gone again??
When I went back to my tripmap after adding the trips they were there at the left side showing the trip titles but when refreshing my page they were gone again? I refreshed because it took ages for a trip to load again.
Pretty annoying to be honest.
And still the trip mapping has some aspects I don't like, especially regarding the dates to enter: when entering an arrival date it automatically fills in the departure date. And when wanting to change the departure date it doesn't 'know' that it's probably around that same date, so it goes back to the current month (May 2012 now).
But the trips not being saved (I pressed finish, then started on the dates, saved those as well and they were at the left, so what went wrong?) is the most annoying part. Should I also press the 'save' button in the top right of the map??? Never had problems before.

Hi Mike, I can't say easily what happened, but will have a look over it with Dmitry tomorrow. He's working on the FB app associated with the maps at the moment, so good time to add in some extra code to track problems with saving.

Sorry about the lost data

Just checked now, and 3 of the 5 trips I found back, but two others (the ones which had 2012 in the title, the other 3 didn't have a year) are not to be found. That's odd isn't it? Is there some sort of general error or delay today or something?
Also, now on my tripmap and wanting to open a trip, it does nothing/nada/niente/noppes/ just stays on my main map page.
Is this again an IE problem, because I am getting the idea that everything works fine as long as you don't have IE.
There are still quite a few people using that you know
Thanks anyway for the help

Trying things again, it seems to work.
But somehow I need to go back to the main page and then go to my travelmaps, otherwise it just slows down until it comes to a complete stop 'Loading, please wait'. Or sometimes it says I have unsaved changes, but they are not

You know, it has been this way since it was installed and I really hope it will change for the better, but I won't hold my breath

[ 07-May-2012, at 07:44 by Utrecht ]

We need to do a big revamp at some point to set up a more robust system. Believe it or not, a lot of issues have been fixed in the past couple of years, but there's still that possibility of things not working unfortunately.

IE does have more issues than other browsers in general, but IE8 should be fine, so I wouldn't put it down to that. Particularly since it clearly worked a bit later on. IE7 is thankfully hardly used at all any more now, so we can hopefully start ignoring that particular dodgy browser.

We had a look through the errors that we caught related to the map yesterday, but whatever happened in your case was not included in there, so we're not wiser. We'll have to put in some new traps.

I put up a fix for the departure date calendar not updating. I'd fixed that recently for the wiki listings dates, so was able to pretty much copy the fix over to this situation as well. Definitely makes life a bit easier with that updating.

Thanks Peter.
I have IE8 at work and home and works fine in most cases.
By the way, the error with the slow 'enter' button in the guide seems to be fixed as well
I'll try later with the map and updating trips. Seems that at least later on all my trips were saved, but the only thing that I still had to do is sometimes go back to my control panel and go to my trip maps and then update the trips again, because it just was to slow and gave some saving errors. But that's ok.

Well, that's weird. I've no idea why the enter button would have started working ok again. I did upload some minor changes there, but wouldn't have thought it would affect that. Oh well, not complaining

Again having problems with updating trips.
I had a trip which I wanted to update with some extra stops and changing dates etc, and I save it, but it still says 'you have unsaved trips'. So click on the save button next to it, but nothing happens.
Going back to my tripmap from my control panel all changes are gone again.
What's wrong?

ok, got this sorted out. It seems that after adding stops in the trip, you should not only press save, but also press the 'finish' button every time you add a stop. Seems a bit of redundant to me, but it works

[ 15-Jun-2012, at 07:59 by Utrecht ]

Trips not saved!

Trips not saved!

Trips not saved!

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