jean3 has indicated that this thread is about Morocco
I removed the name of the company.
Also, your profile shows a photo of the desert already. So you either have been there or are a guide.
No more spam please.
Ok, I have done the trip. I bought it straight from Marrakech from a man by the booth on the street. It was cheap. 1 night, cameltrekking for 2 adults and 2 kids altogether 150e as we parted from Ouarzazate(coming from Agadir)and joined the group to merzouga, Sahara village and next day back to Marrakech for the night. It was wonderful and interesting. The local boys played the plastic petrol cans so unbelievably well. Nice food and atmosphere.
More days would have been nice but we did not have more time. Internet prizes were huge as I asked.
Nice journey to desert! Sofi from Finland

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