i am 20 female from South Africa, i am looking for a journey of self discovery, i need to get away find myself, traveling is a big part of me. so thought the best place to start would be to travel, feel alive again , have fun and find who i am, and want i want out of life. your trip sounds like my kinda of travel. have you worked out a budget yet and would would you like to go. Went to china last years amazing experience.
hi. Ive been thinking of doing the same sort of trip for a few months,trying to decide between se easia and usa! Id be happy to go from end of july for 6 weeks, im graduating from uni 18th july so any time after that. All the activities youve mentioned sound great, id quite like to experience a full moon party and also the lovely beaches of thailand,ie phi phi island etc. please feel free to message me if you want to chat more bout it
Hi girls
Jacqui, that sounds great. Regarding budget, I think its a personal choice, for me as I long as i have my ticket there and a plane ticket to get home, I'll just do whatever activities my budget allows me to, I'll do the most i can with what I have. I'm good at bartering and making the most out every pound so I have no worries regarding money- just save as much as possible
I have a loose flexible itinerary that I could send to you, all the places were recommended by friends and I'll be using the lonely planet guide and the recommendations of the travellers I meet.
Emma, after July 18th is good for me as I want to leave mid/end July. I'll send you a message as there are a couple of other girls interested in forming a group to travel with. I do think its safer to travel with people as well with all the drink and 'candy' about :P Also your America trip sounds interesting be prepared to share some details!
24 year old British male here, I hope I am not intruding!
I'm planning a similar trip, however I'm hoping to go for a while longer. I've never done the whole going abroad alone, let along travelling in a different part of the world!
I have been pleasantly surprised with the amount of solo travellers that are going away this year just on these blogs, it's nice to know there are people in similar situations looking for info and travel buddies.
No of course you're not intruding, I felt exactly he same way when I checked out this board, its crazy the amount of people who want to travel but don't know people willing to take the plunge with them. When are planning to go?
I know! All my friends have either been or not financially able to join. I've decided to quit my job (which I hate) and go for it.
Haven't booked it yet, and I think I'll struggle to press that "book now" button on an airline website soon! A couple of my mates have been SE Asia, and one even went by himself and said he had an immense time.
Well I'm planning on flying out to Bangkok either end of July or beginning of August and seeing where the wind blows me! I think I've got budget of 4+ months, so as long as possible I guess.
How about yourself?
I am arriving at Siem Reap on the morning of 21 July 2012 and will be returning back on 26th morning. I am from India travelling alone via Kuala Lumpur. I am shoe string budget traveler and I have already booked by guest house in SR. I have a plan to make short trip to Phnom Penh from SR, may be leaving SR on the 23rd evening by bus and come back to SR on 25th. I plan to take a three day pass for Angor Wat costing USD 20. I will be very happy to find similar people travelling on these dates. I am a very keen photographer and so that is my major interest at Angor Wat.
If you find anything interesting in contacting me please do so
Hey, is it too late to jump on this thread?
I'm a primary teacher and I was thinking of going to Thailand for my summer holidays which begin on the 21st July. Unfortunately, none of my friends are luck enough to have 6 weeks off and I can't face another British Summer.
Twinklebelle, your itinerary and list of things to do and places to see could have been written by myself! Girl after my own heart! Have you got anything sorted yet? I would definitely be interested because I'm terrified of going it alone!
S x
No its, not too late! You an always book a last minute flight or cheapo one I'm sure. Two of us will be leaving from China so we're getting the bus/train to Vietnam and then we'll meeting a couple of others in vietnam. From there we'll head onto laos, cambodia and then end in thailand. One girl will leave exactly after 6 weeks and 2 of us may stay for another 2... who knows lol.
We will most likely to head to Vietnam around 17th/18th of July...
The only thing I believe you need to have sorted are entry to first country, exit from last and spending money. Visas we'll do on arrival and we have our list of must sees and do's in every country but other than that its whatever the weather

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