Travelling and difficult parents?

Hi there.

It's no one's place to comment on your personal life... but honestly... your parents sound like nutbars... suicide and divorce because you travelled once?... get real... that's utterly bizarre by ANY measure...

In any case, it's obviously time to move out and get on with your life.

Good luck.


PS I assume there's a culture thing going on here... are your parents "old school" ?...

[ Removed ambiguous, misunderstood statement. ]

It's no one's place to comment on your personal life... but honestly... your parents sound like nutbars... suicide and divorce because you travelled once?... get real... that's utterly bizarre by ANY measure...

In any case, it's obviously time to move out and get on with your life.

Good luck.


PS I assume there's a culture thing going on here... are your parents "old school" ?...

They seriously do, don't they? It makes me glad that I'm not the one at fault here. They've turned my other family members against me and it sometimes wears on you.

Thank you for the well wishes. My parents are Canadian; my mother is Native American, and my father is Scottish. They consider themselves old school, but not when it comes to travelling or anything.. My father is actually a truck driver, so he's always travelling. My mother doesn't like it all that much, but, generally, they go on several trips a year. Do you think there is any easy way to approach them about travelling? I'm looking to move out - hopefully somewhere fairly far away - but first I want to travel around and scope out places. Should I just sit them down and be like 'I'm going'?

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To the OP. You are old enough to be out on your own and making your own decisions in life. You may not make the right ones, and it would have been nice to have parents that could guide you with their experience. Like many people, it doesn't sound like you are going to get that from them. Parents are just people too and they make terrible mistakes sometimes. Now it's time to get out in the world and make your own mistakes hopefully without doing too much damage! good luck and enjoy the journey.

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If you can sit them down for a rational discussion, try to find out what upsets them so much about the idea of you travelling. Once you know where their hysterics are coming from it will be much easier for you to address their concerns.

If it's simply about the money, then make a point of reassuring them that you DO plan on going on to college (that's the impression I have from your original post), but that it's important for you to do this first.

If they're not capable of talking with you about this in a calm and adult manner, then you have some tougher choices to make. It's never easy going against your parents wishes/expectations, but at some point they need to accept that you're an adult and that it's your life.

Good luck whatever you choose to do.


[ 06-Jul-2012, at 17:18 by talesbackpack ]

ossuarium: What can I say... the reaction you described in your original post is nuts... There's obviously many factors at play here that go way, waaaaay beyond your Original Post and I wish you the best of luck in getting these issues resolved with your parents.

All the best to you.


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Travelling and difficult parents?

Travelling and difficult parents?

Travelling and difficult parents?

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