Travelling Solo to Oz 2013 on WHV

Hi Guys

Hi Shelley,

When do you plan to leave for Oz?? Im heading out to Perth first in Jan, prob stay there for a few months while I work then head onto other places. A few people I know have said not to b other with Oz intro as its very easy to make friends etc on your own without having to pay out anymore money.

Stef x

Hi Shelly

I am going to sydney march 2013 and i am planning on working in sydney for a while then travellin up the east coast.

But no doubt my plans will change once i am over there.

When are you thinking of going and do u have any plans when u get out there.


Hey going to start travelling in march to oz, it's exciting but really nerve wrecking haha! Flying into cairns then going to work my way around, any of you have any tips or advice or are we all in the same boat?


Was looking on here about Thailand and noticed this forum. I went to New Zealand for three weeks in October and I'm now in Sydney. I was unsure about oz intro/ultimate oz too because it seemed so expensive.

I'm so glad I didn't do it. You can apply for a bank account online before you come, get a SIM card walking into a phone shop, Medicare card at so many local branches and tax file number takes 10 mins online. It took me an afternoon to arrange it all.

In terms of friends, I met someone on the RSA course (needed for working in any bar) and then from there have made lots of friends (who also landed me with a job) and am having a great time.

It's nerve racking thinking about doing it on your own, but with group like this and everyone being friendly, you'll have no problem at all

Charlie x

Cheers Charlie hope all goes well for you!

Hi guys,
I'm going to Australia in march on a WHV. I'm flying from Birmingham on 1st march and flying via Dubai and going to start my oz adventure in Sydney.
I'm 21 and travelling on my own, starting to get nervous about it now lol but very excited as well.
My plan is to work a few months in each major city and hopefully go to NZ at some point too.


Hi I am doing the same thing, I'm flying out towards the end of the year for there summer and going from there, so far my only plans are Adelaide for the first month and a half until xmas then to Sydney for new year! After that I'm going to see what happens and not overly plan anything.
I looked into oz intro but I've heard the same that any hostel will help with all those things and you meet people in hostels and courses etc so it seems a bit of a waste of money so i've decided against it x

Hey I am also flying to Sydney from birmingham, I will be flying on 27th Feb - landing in Sydney on 28th Feb, its getting so close now but I plan to stay in Sydney and work for a few weeks then travel North and basically travel my way around the country.


Travelling Solo to Oz 2013 on WHV

Travelling Solo to Oz 2013 on WHV

Travelling Solo to Oz 2013 on WHV

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