Hello I'm James.
You would probably get better response on the 'Travel Companion' Forum. That's what it's for.
And yes you will meet plenty of people traveling. In many places not just bars and hostiles.
You usually make the best freinds in the most unlikely places.
You really don't have to worry about it, dude. Start travelling, If your outgoing you not going to have any problem meeting people.
You shouldn’t have a problem meeting people. In Europe you are likely to be staying in dorms, which I found to be the best place to meet other travelers when I was travelling in Oz/NZ. It’s much easier to meet people when travelling alone, and you will find that there are plenty of others travelling alone too who are keen to meet people. A guidebook such as lonely planet or rough guide will normally list cafes and bars frequented by backpackers which are also good places to meet other travellers. You may also meet people on backpacker tour buses/day trips etc if you do any of these.
It would be difficult to travel around Europe and NOT meet people. No matter where you go you'll meet people everywhere. In fact one of my best friends here in Zurich is someone I met randomly at the airport of all places and ended up sticking around each other. Don't be afraid to chat to people, plus websites like this are a good way to network and meet people from the places you intend to go, so you might find someone willing to show you around good luck btw!
Hey James,
I'm in a pretty similar situation. Me and a friend were planning on doing a RTW trip starting in October 2009 for around a year. At weekend he told me (by text!) he's not coming now but that's not going to stop me, I'm going alone and after some research on solo travel I can't wait!
Obviously I have no experience in travelling the world alone but I'm pretty sure what everyone else says is right - there will be so many amazing people out there to meet and you can completely be yourself. Nobody will have any idea who you are or what you're like - it's exciting!
Best of luck anyway
Thanks a lot for the responses, they've put my worrying mind at ease I'm still not sure when launch day is, i think it maybe a round europe trip sometime in March/April this year, but i'm lokoing forward to it a little more now.
Ive always had the same worry that i will go travelling and be all on my own and not meet anyone. Although i havent gone travelling on my own before ive chatted to people and they say meeting people in hostels,cafes and while on public transprt as well. Probably good to see on companion forums to and see if anyone will be about when your about.
I've just returned from 11 months of solo backpacking - meeting people is the most natural part of traveling. Make an effort, and you'll meet people. Dorms and day trips were the places I met most other travellers. You're not really going to meet people in coffee shops and bars, unless you walk straight up to them and introduce yourself, which some people might find intrusive. Enjoy bud, sometimes you'll find yourself booking into a single room to get away from people!
When traveling alone you just make and unconscious effort to meet people because you have to. Your gonna meet heaps of new people that are doing the exact same things as you. So you'll immediately have things in common.
Just get used to the whole, "Where are you from? where have you been? Where are you going?" routine. by the end of the trip you will be so tired of hearing those questions you'll find yourself starting conversations with strangers without even asking those. It's almost like going to school to be more social

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