Hi I'm Adam,
I'm from Scotland, 19 and feel a urge to travel for a couple of years.
I'm torn between staying finishing studying which would be years still or
going traveling whilst I'm young, then coming back and finishing studying.
You don't know what could happen. If you can travel now, do it! You are young now, seize teh years and go! You will never regret it!! You will learn far more travelling than you ever could at some school.
Live like the wind,
Oh, and welcome to the forum.
I think the 2 most important things that anyone can do is to 1: Study, and 2: Travel. So you have the basics right!!! Your age doesn't matter so to ask if you should travel now because you are young is not the question as travel at every age, if you have the bug, is amazing. Also there is no age limit to studying so you can do that whenever. So basically as long as you study and travel then it doesn't matter n what order you do them. But if you have itchy feet to get away right now then I would say go now. The one thing you should never do in life is to look for excuses not to do things. You will always regret it if you do. Where do you want to go to by the way?
Finish your studies first. There's nothing worse than being away travelling knowing you have to come back and complete them.
I'm from Scotland, 19 and feel a urge to travel for a couple of years.
I'm torn between staying finishing studying which would be years still or going traveling whilst I'm young, then coming back and finishing studying.I feel so fed up of studying and just want to meet new people and discovernew places and cultures
I need advice from anyone that wants to give me some that would help me in my decision making.
I opted to go studying. Although especially the last year of that was just horrid - I wanted to be away so much - I've been glad ever since that I did this. My studies have given me a basis; domain-specific knowledge (computer science) and an attitude to solving problems which is now allowing me to do work that I love and get paid so much that I can continue travelling nearly as much as I want.
I very much suspect that if I had gone travelling at the start of my studies, I wouldn't have gotten nearly as much out of it as I did a few years later on (at 19 you'd be decidedly young in the backpacker circuit), and more importantly that I wouldn't have managed to get back into life as a student. The people around me would've been so much younger, and unable to relate to the travelling experiences I would've had. And that while the absolute best part of higher education is being surrounded by a lot of driven and really smart people who're just like you. You learn as much from hanging out with these people during the off-hours of your studies as you do from the lectures and the course books. I never fully appreciated this while I was studying, but really, there's such a tremendous amount of energy in the people surrounding you, and it'd have been a great shame if I had shunned this.
And yeah, as I said, since I've finished university I've been travelling a whole lot. (Fully three years on the road out of the five and a half years since I got my Master's, albeit two years of that were in one big piece, and the rest in chunks of a month or two here and there.) There's just no conceivable way I'd have been able to get that much time in if I hadn't gone studying first.
Do note that none of the above is advice on what you should do. It's my personal experience. You are not me though, and maybe you wouldn't have trouble getting back into student life after having been travelling, or maybe you wouldn't be able to slog through university like I did despite wanting to be away, or maybe...
i agree with sander. i think you should just bite the bullet and finish! the thing is, if you have an education behind you it makes travelliing alot easier, because if you plan on being away for ages or go on a working holiday, you'll be able to get a better job which makes the time away alot more enjoyable! i sort of finished studying... i finished my bachelor but i knew i had a postgrad to do before my degree was really worth that much,and its quite specific (sports science) so since i went to the netherlands, and exercise science is quite a clique-y field, i woulda had no chance of getting a job there, esp since i didnt speak dutch then. so i went down the road of getting a crappy job and while il oved my time over there, i left becuase i had no visa anymore but feeling like i had created a life over there, all i needed was a job. if i hadve done my post grad i could have gotten one and stayed. and after a while you get sick of working in bars or cafes or labouring on construction sites, i felt i was getting dumber all the time...
tide urself over until you can do a big trip and save your arse off so you can go during holidays or weekends... travel around in your area/country, and get some experience and find out what kinda traveller you are, itll save you making some stupid mistakes and you can enjoy your bigger travels better since youll know more what youre doing!!
Do both.
I found university a real pain cause I wanted to just get out there but found that I could combine study and travel (very very very cheap).
thank you all kindly for your replies.
i feel id be more content to leave now and come back and travel. feel id come back a more mature man if i left seen with my own eyes the wonders of the world and the not so wonderful things.
what I'm doing next year at college is Hnd Business and accountancy.. i got a conditional acceptance into this year cause i show-en knowledge through the class and found it easy. I have so much time to kill college don't go back to September.
i think to do the Hnd level and keep the urge at bay i should at least go away for a couple of months before school?
what do you think?
Your situation reminds me of mine a few years back.
I decided to put the whole education thing on hold when I finished college (2 years wasted on a worthless course) as I had no idea what I wanted to do in life. I aimed to take a year out, go travelling, clear my head and come back refreshed and get stuck back into studying something I was interested in. This never materialised. Met a girl, fell in love, you know the story. I ended up going from job to job, never being satisfied but having to stick with it to survive/pay debts etc. Eventually the relationship broke down (don't they all? Ha.) and I was back to square one again.
I still regret not going while I had the chance. Although I'm also quite glad I screwed up as it taught me a lot about myself and made me realise that I want a lot more than what I had. If anything, that experience has made me a much stronger person and has given me the motivation and determination I needed to do what I should have done back then.
Now it's a few years down the line and I still don't know what I want to do with my life 'career wise' but I'm content with that. I've still got 40+ years of my working life ahead of me.. plenty of time right haha.
I'm still working a dead end job but I know it'll all be worth it in the end. I'm finally debt free, lucky to have next to no responsibilities and have a little money saved up to get off this island (even if it's only for a little while)
If you want to travel then do it! You can come back and study whenever you feel like it but it gets much harder to travel as you get older and have more responsibilities: partner/kids/mortgage etc. I have a few friends who have got tied down with the whole house/family scenario and have had to put their dreams of travelling the world on hold.
So my advice would be do what you want while you still can. Uni will still be there when you come back. There's probably some quote I should put here about how you'll regret the things you didn't do a lot more than the things you did but I can't be arsed.
You're young. The world's a big ol' place. There's lots to see. Get out there.
You don't know what could happen. If you can travel now, do it! You are young now, seize teh years and go! You will never regret it!! You will learn far more travelling than you ever could at some school.GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!
Live like the wind,
Oh, and welcome to the forum.
I am in total agreement! I am the guy that has wanted to travel for a long time, but was in school. Now that I'm out (and I'll prob. get lambasted for this) I realized the only studying that has ever made an impact in my life was the studying I had done on my own terms. I feel school is great but its not for everyone. Do what your heart tells you man! You will never regret the experiences, and you will be all the wiser!
PS don't let anyone talk you out of what you put your mind to!

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