Hi everyone! Happy New Year. I will be starting in Buenos Aires and then I'll make my way to other places in S.A. I've heard a few things about Argentina, but is it as racist as people make out? I'm black by the way
Racism...??? Argentina is a country build by immigrants, is a rainbow of race ...
You don't have to worry, at all. I don't know where you heard about racism in Argentina, but certainly you must have misunderstood something. Specially regarding black people. You might get stared at, because in Buenos Aires the black population is very scarce, but don't take it wrong, it's just curiosity.
Perhaps you've heard about the rivalry with neighbouring countries, where indian and black traits are more visible. But differences involve historical reasons, competition, mainly around soccer.
Buenos Aires in particular is a rainbow, like Macachae said, full of big communities of different races, religions and nationalities. South America in general has been very generous with races, all along history.
Tony and Macachae are right of course, esp. regarding blacks, but still; I'd say that, although Argentina's probably not a racist country in the purest sense of the term, the correlation between socio-economic status and race is conspicuous at least.
As in other SA countries, a 'white' minority of hispanic colonists (and, in Argentina, jews) is ruling both public institutions and the commercial sector, while the indian population usually lives a much more modest live. Exceptions notwithstanding, even though not all indians are poor, most poors are indian, which in my view is telling.
But as a traveller, you won't have any bad experiences. The argentinians I know are all extremely nice people, only talking politics is not always such a good idea, but hey, where on earth is it?
happy travels,
I went.Loved it.You will get the occasional 'stare' in a purely non-offensive way,its great.You will stand out,its just curiosity.
I made friends out there who kinda showed me the ropes. They sort of break the ice in a big way.I also made a huge effort to learn the language.I came back,pretty fluent.If u can learn some spanish trust me,you'll enjoy it even more.
Go,book your flight now.
I didnt see any evidence of racism when I was in Argentina. There's such a mix of people there anyway. I didnt see many black ppl there but I imagine with neighbouring Brazil having such a big black population, its not exactly alien to the Argentinians.
To be honest, i found them to be most welcoming and chatty people. They slag off the British a bit, but most of the time it's just good humored.
Hope that helps,
I honestly don't know how long these other posters were in Argentina, but it is a VERY racist country. Now I love Argentina, and I was even engaged to an Argentine, but I actually LIVED in the country (not just passing through) and can tell you that behind the stares and snide comments there is a huge superiority complex. I was openly propositioned sexually almost every single week that I was there because since I was black I HAD to be Brazilian, and since I was (by default) Brazilian I had to love having copious sex. Another black friend of mine was almost raped because the encargado of her building wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with a "black" women. If you question whether Argentina is racist or not, just ask them what happened to all the black Argentines and you'll soon find your answer.
If you need more proof of racism in Argentina, read a white student's article about her trip abroad at http://blog.seattletimes.nwsource.com/abroadlondon/archives/2006/05/argentinas_sad_secret_racism.html
There are also numerous books and articles on the topic available on Amazon.
Sorry to interrupt your unaware existance, but racism does VERY MUCH exist in Argentina.
Sorry to interrupt your unaware existance, but racism does VERY MUCH exist in Argentina.
I've never been to Argentina yet but this comment doesn't really seem fair to me. Racism exists everywhere people exist...regrettably its human nature to a certain extent to be fearful of that which they do not know. Just the same as racism exists in Europe and the Americas it also exists in Africa and everywhere else. It is a human problem - not a regional problem that you could single out some countries as being "worse" than others. As people become more enlightened and less impoverished these problems tend to become marginalised and, quite rightly, criminalised.
Its not really fair to decry an entire country just because of your bad experience.
Sorry to interrupt your unaware existance, but racism does VERY MUCH exist in Argentina.
I've never been to Argentina yet but this comment doesn't really seem fair to me. Racism exists everywhere people exist...regrettably its human nature to a certain extent to be fearful of that which they do not know. Just the same as racism exists in Europe and the Americas it also exists in Africa and everywhere else. It is a human problem - not a regional problem that you could single out some countries as being "worse" than others. As people become more enlightened and less impoverished these problems tend to become marginalised and, quite rightly, criminalised.
Its not really fair to decry an entire country just because of your bad experience.
hat tip.
i was in buenos aires for a week a couple of months ago and loved it...im indian with dark skin...yes there was the numerous stares, propositions...but it is like that with any other country...though in saying that...those u said it doesnt exist are wrong or obviously not in the same boat. there were times when i wasnt allowed to use my credit card when i clearly saw other ppl using it in the shops..they thought it was stolen!! also i got physically touched by the locals there..thinking i would enjoy it!!! ughhh!!!! and also that i was brazilian..as if that makes sense in why i would want to be physically harrassed. when i was there .. there were huge riots from the darker indigenous population in argentina...i met a few of them...and yes by their stories racism is still largely alive there...but in saying that...it exists everywhere in the world unfortunately..ive been travelling for 10months and i havent been anywhere yet where i havent felt totally stared at!!! all in all its a grt country to visit..

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