Spanish guys?

anna_mg has indicated that this thread is about Spain

I'm a spanish guy, I've been in France, Ireland, England and Germany, and you're right, compared to guys in other european countries we're more outgoing and flirtatious but:
- Guys are guys everywhere, the difference could be, here they try to get what they want and somewhere else they think about it and don't there to try it.
- We think that it will be easier get it from tourists because they (mostly) come looking for having a great time (Disco, beach, party, drink... and having sex is also a part of it).

Of course I've generalized, neither all spanish guys are the same nor all tourists are opened to go to bed with a (or more) different guy every night, but mostly the stereotype is true.

And talking about you in Spain... whre are you? Would you like to meet a spanish guy?... It was just a joke... Do you?


I'm going to Sevilla for the erasmus for the whole year and one day I was looking through adds on the net for a room and I've found this appartment with 3 spanish guys. I didn't put much attention to it but anyway I posted a reply to the add, saying I'm interested. And immediately I got a very nice response. At first I didn't want to take the room with 3 spanish guys (u know the stereotype) but after a few emails and messenger conversations it turned out that they're really really nice. As I have the worst experience with female roomates, I took the room!
What I'm saying is that they may be pretty "flirtatious" and all but when it comes to spending more time with them, u can become really good friends (or so I've been told ).
So in a month's time I'll have to find out for myself if this is true!

Dammed speak about the spanish guys. That´s a subject. Have been around the world and I can tell you never never again with a spanish. They love the non exclusive story what they dont tell you it´s you have to be excluvive with them, and they will be non exclusive with you. They dont tell you they are married (this one I love it).
They can be talking to you and their girlfriend will be the other side of the room. Obviously they won´t tell you anything about it. it will be the girlfriend who will inform you of her existence.

i love them

well some spanish boys try with turists because usually they go easier to bed with them... you must thing there are so many turists girls looking for un chico latino...
such a pitty that you don't have anything else to share about your experiences in spain than this! maybe try to understand foreign cultures and quit discussing about such stupid threads??

You were right. Stereotypes. I don't think there's any difference between spanish or any other guy...

But if you are on holiday, at 2:00 a.m. in a disco or pub, after some beers, at the beach... what else could one expect? Deep arts & culture conversations?

It is interesting to know all your point of views about Spanish guys;
I am planning on going to Spain on my own next October, it will be just for 3 or 4 weeks, and it is good to be warned about the Spanish men. I always thought that they could be similar to the Italian guys, we all know what I mean by saying this, but I guess that this will be something for me to find out once I am there, exciting, yeah!


I don't want to start a thread on stereotypes, so forgive me! But after spending less than a week in Spain, it seems to me that the Spanish men are quite similar to Italian men in that they're very outgoing and flirtatious! Am I correct in this assessment? Or perhaps it's just the ones I've met so far...

Yes, u are correct Anna.
Also, they can be very aggressive, if u get tired of the constant attention, and tell them to f off, in a tone of voice, that they dont like. Of course, not all Spanish men are like this. There are just more like this, than in some other countries.

I am spanish, and I must say yes, I can see where you are coming from.. they are latin after all!! Isnt that what is about?? (but try Cuba or Dominican Rep, and trust me, spanish men are quiet as a mouse in comparison!!)

I agree what some of the threads above though... late at nite, at the beach or holiday destination and with few drinks... well, ANY guy would become more flirtatious.. I guess in Spain you have more possibilities of having all of that together, that, lets say, in Greenland (no offense no Greenland-men ), and that together with the latin culture, explosive combination!

And for the record, they not only try with the foreigners because they think that is what they want, but for the fact it is more challenging (or like someone mentioned above cause if they live abroad there is no possibility of commitment!!) cause i have become more popular in my home town since i became "the girl that lives in london" (and i havent turned into a foreigner just yet!!!)

x x Miromar x x

Hmm ... I believe in stereotypes and I think some of you are right. I had some kind of experience in Spain ;p Especially in shopping center. When I was there about 5 mens asked me out and if I would like to go and have drink with them or go to the hotel. It was in some way interesting for me and funny when I saw them trying to flirt so much and really they didn't care about age .. they just asked me to be girlfriend but I need to underline that always first asked about age and then where I came from.
The other things was happening at disco is ... 1. I was there with group of my friends (boys) and barman only asked ME if I want another drink 2. Boys were surrouding you when they saw you getting bit freak after drinks.
So the conclusion is that Spain boys are flirty and if they really want something, they fight for it because I must tell that some boys didn't wanted to leave me alone and other thing is that they sometimes try to trick out on tourists as they know that they will sleep with you ad then you go back to your country, worrying about guy or something and he is just continue to party everynight with other girls ;p Anyway I love Spain boys ... I was in lots of places and Spain boys are most romantic and hot boys I got to know one handsome Spanish boy which really may like me because I still keep in contact with him. Well I might be wrong, I might be right but this is just my opinion

Spanish guys?

Spanish guys?

Spanish guys?

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