Hi, I'm currently 16, almost 17 years old. I live in Canada, am a male, and get relatively good marks. However, I have no idea what I want to do in the future in terms of a career and I don't want to go to school wasting my money and time on something I won't enjoy. I seek thrill and adventure, and am a curious person that loves to imerse themselves in culture. So, I had the ideanif travelling after highshool to Europe with no real plan, just kind of moving there and exploring, minimum budget, working for cheap as I go, and hopefully I will discover what I want to do. My blog http://alifeoftravel.travellerspoint.com/1/. Goes into a bit more detail. I would like your opinion/advice. Please help me. Thank you.
Well, unfortunately the way of the world of bureaucracy is, you can't just up and move and work as you wish. While a Canadian can travel plenty of places without pre-approved visa for up to certain period of time (usually 90 days), the condition is such that you're entering for the sole purpose of travel/visit but not for work. In the Schengen zone, the 90 days limit is collective, meaning you can be in the entire zone for only 90 days maximum on a visa-waiver basis, then you have to be out for at least 90 days before you're allowed re-entry.
For anything longer, you'll need long stay visa and usually that requires you to have a solid valid reason to be there, such as a job with a work permit, or acceptance to a full-time course of study thus allowing you to enter on student visa. And it's not always easy to obtain a work permit. Even then certain jobs may not be eligible for work permit application, and usually those are jobs that don't require or require very little qualifications. Each country aims to maintain jobs for their citizens, and this particularly rings true in the current economic climate.
I'm not trying to discourage you from pursuing you dream, but I'm urging you to look at the process in terms of legality and practicality. Research thoroughly first of what you can or cannot do, because breaking the immigration and/or labour law could land you in huge trouble, substantial costs, deportation and travel blacklisting.
In any case, with high unemployment rates in many places, job won't be easy to come by either, even if you're willing to work for minimum wages.

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