Hi all,
Does a Celta or TEFL also teach native speakers how to write in English in 4 weeks?
I've always wanted to get a CELTA, but rates keep getting higher every year.
Fortunately, most schools don't seem to care if you have that piece of paper. I should know, I used to do the hiring and I got job offers in southeast Asia from schools that state in their ads, must have TEACHING CERTS and that NATIVE speaker clause.
I just saw a new TEFL school someplace, and the students who enroll pay to work for free. Its part of the training, how to deal with exploitation.
New laws were probably created in places like Thailand. So this certificate thing, no matter how irrational, is going to be a must, even for teachers who have been teaching for more than a decade.
As for the couples being married or single, it doesn't matter.
Good luck!

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