Guatemala-Panana 9 weeks enough time?

my self and a couple of friends are planing a centeral american trip starting june and in to august (rainy i know) the plan is to land in guatemala city and travel over land to panama in 9 weeks we are all seasoned traverlers and will happily do long shitty bus rides, if that is whats needed, from what i can see the pacific coast has the best attractions and transport so i am thinking miss the caribbean coast, (im sure its cool just dont tell me its hard enough to pick anyway) what i would like to know is if this is a realalistic distance to cover in that time scale? i would love to take a year for it but i have 9 weeks and i want to see as much as posible.
also best :- beaches, places of beauty,diving, towns/citys, nite life, historic sites

It is absolutely realistic. It is a good time frame and you can cover a lot of ground in that period of time. I am not guessing. I have been in CA many times and JUST left Guat a week ago. Without a doubt, you will be fine with 9 weeks.

Sorry. In my opinion, diving sucks on the Pacific side. I have dived around Quepos in Costa Rica. and there is plenty along the coast in CR. Not much in Nicaragua, and I don't know about El Salvador. The Caribbean side is WAY better for that...sorry again.


[ 18-Mar-2010, at 10:11 by Piecar ]

Good time frame...easy does it with the International Tica Bus, stopovers in every country...plan your own up with locals and other travelers..will message you my Central America Travel Primer...


Buen viaje.

guys keep the advice coming people

gracios amigos

I have been to Panama quite a few times so at least I could answer for Panama. The place NOT to miss in Panama is San Blas Islands. The airfare is only $74 r/t from Panama City. The hotels aint cheap ($100) but the islands are amazing. Clear turquoise water, white sand and only the sound of wind blowing and birds. Water taxis to islands cost only $5 and thats cheap!! Boca Del Toro, which is also in the east is a waste of time. Its ok if you never been to a tropical place.

On the west, Boquete comes to mind. Boquete is a mountain resort off the trans american highway. Place can get cold at night (4C). Its small, quaint, and very beautiful. You can hike up the mountain to a volcano rim but I didnt do this as its 16kms each way. Also, Boca Brava. Just south of David (there is one sign and you have to keep your eyes open!). You need to take a taxi from the start of the dirt road. Its a 1 hour ride in the back of a pickup, and for only two dollars. Sounds strange, but the breeze and the views is worth 50 times that price. Then a water taxi to the island ($1) and there at the island is cabanas for rent ($12), a very good, yet decently cheap restaurant, and 1000 monkeys. The monkeys are everywhere. And the views from the restaurant are fantastic too. No idea about renting cabanas thru net, and its not touristy. I didnt stay the night as it was the last day of my trip and I wanted to see monkeys and forest ranger guy in boquete told me about it. Going down the west coast is like California. Every city has a nice beach along the way, but the best beaches are easily on the carribean side.

[ 21-Mar-2010, at 09:41 by way2goeh ]

9 weeks? After 2 weeks I'd start scratching around for something to do. Yes, the San Blas islands are good to visit but a few hours is ample.

9 weeks? After 2 weeks I'd start scratching around for something to do. Yes, the San Blas islands are good to visit but a few hours is ample.

In just 2 weeks you would be scratching around for things to do, in spite of travelling through several countries? I thought there was loads to see on that route?

To Bex76, loads to do in each and every Central American country from Belize & Guatemala all the way down through Panama, any one planning to visit Central America (not on the cheap, cheap, cheap but good solid sane non masochistic budget travel) just send me a private message and I will send you my Central America tips and travel information bloq. I have lived in this region for 24 years, driven my own vehicles, flown, taken buses, lanchas (boats) and ferries, hiked and skydived a coupled times. The region is an adventure and eco and cultural (Mundo Maya & Post-Colonial) paradise.

Bex if I had the $$$$ I'd be on the plane to NZ tommorow.

Have a couple of Maori friends on Hospex portal who travel and bloq

Best diving spots in Central America are Roatan and Utila, Bay Islands, Honduras, Caribbean North Coast

Best diving (Volcanic Lake Wall and Ocean) PADI diving with instructors is here in El Salvador on the Pacific side..message me for info.

Also good diving spots CR and Panama

I belong to a network of native and local guides in Cental America, message me for info.

i hope 9 weeks is long enough pal, im doing the same sort of trip but have got bang on 7 weeks, i cant bloody wait!

Guatemala-Panana 9 weeks enough time?

Guatemala-Panana 9 weeks enough time?

Guatemala-Panana 9 weeks enough time?

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