kayak/canoe to the mediterranean

Hello I’m Tom and I’m 20.
im kayaking/canoeing to Italy around the coasts of france spain and portugal. i have acomidation sorted for the whole 4-5months trip, its a tent and i plan to set it up every night along the coast, on the beaches. this isnt going to be some drag where we have to stick to a schedule I have no set plan, we can stop off in areas for days relaxing on the beach or whatever if wanting to, this is going to be an enjoyable and unforgetable experience. just imagine the cool breeze and the hot beeming sun your back as we paddle effortlessly through cool blue sea, living like Ray Mear or someone similar.

Brilliant stuff - and I love the idea behind it. Not sure I could paddle a canoe for that long though. People do go canoeing in the sea all the time, only you'll be doing it every day and in one direction! No schedule either.
Good luck with your plans.

[ 19-Mar-2010, at 03:12 by fabyomama ]

Hey Tom!

This is a fantastic idea! But sadly I'm still a working guy who can't quit till sometime early next year. I stay in Singapore, though - and I'm guessing you're somewhere across the globe in Europe. If you cannot find someone to go on this crazy adventure with you this time, maybe we can try plan for 2011... =)


Hi Tom!!

Thats soo cool!! would only love to!! When you planning to do that?? Its sounds deadly Ive ALWAYS wanted to do something like that! Neva thought that big but sounds really cool!


kayak/canoe to the mediterranean

kayak/canoe to the mediterranean

kayak/canoe to the mediterranean

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