Tips for Central/South America?


Don't take a dog.

If you are set on travelling and not coming back, sell the car and buy gear.

You should give up drinking and learn to eat one meal a day. A good meal. Don't be a dreadlocked, clownpanted, armpit rock rubbing, scruttly scumbag....(I hate those)....but learn to live frugally. Keep a network open to finding under the table work. It's out there for an outgoing sort (though mostly a hot, melifluously voiced, female sort, to be honest)

Don't take a dog. This is not "A Boy And His Dog" Don't submit 'em to that.


[ 16-Mar-2010, at 19:45 by Piecar ]

Thanks for that. I've also been getting told by friends to not bring a dog as it's an extra mouth to feed, harder to hitchhike, hard to train and discipline, etc..

I'll probably do those things where I work for a place to crash for a week or two and use that network to travel. Most of them offer 1 meal a day so I think that can suffice. However, there is the in between traveling time which I will need food for and frankly, I have no clue how far $3,000 will get me (especially since the equipment is so expensive).

Does anyone know what I should bring?

I was basically thinking of going to the REI store and buying one of the best in each category I need. Thinking of getting a blow gun or something to hunt in case I get stranded or something.

Piecar is right, keep a low profile and keep life simple. I live in Central America, my only "luxury" is Cable TV for teh News and Movie Channels and of course cellphone, essential if you are settling down in one place 60 days or more. Cheap. If you are fluent in English you are always able to teach, long hours, staggered hours, low pay, but better than nothing.

Will send you my Latin Am. Travel Promer by message. Buen viaje.

PS A Dog with a foreigner traveling brings on attention and dog need papers at every border crossing! If you settle down in one country then get your dog!!!!!!!

The RV ers bring dogs for security....many RV ers from USA put on a dog and pony show for locals!!!!!! Har!!!!!

PS You do not get your Visas "border to border" Visas are not given out usually at borders. Aquire all your Visas at the Embassies or Consulates in the USA, your country of residence, of the Latin American countries you wish to visit, some countries will charge you for visas. You must be at least 18 to travel alone.
for location of all Embasies and consulates worldwide click on

Thank you very much. I got your PM, very, very helpful. I replied with some questions I had, hoping you'll reply.

Much love everyone. Any further details on what to expect and how easy it is to get around with a low or no budget would be amazing.

Tips for Central/South America?

Tips for Central/South America?

Tips for Central/South America?

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