Weight loss during travelling?!

Hey! Im just wondering whether anyone has experienced weight loss during travelling??!

When I'm travelling, I always lose some weight...
You can say I lose about 2 kg when I travel for one month!

sounds good to me!!!!

I am vegetarian for more than a year now, but I was really surprised the other day, when I have something that looks like a double chin, I am fat... I've been drinking beers for the whole month, so I guess the bars can make you gain weight.

But certainly travelling will help you loose weight, especially, if you are stingy, or a shoe string budget. Going to a country where the food is bad, will also help. Walking with a heavy backpack and not taking cabs also do wonders.

i think my over indulgence in beer on every trip i've ever been on stops me losing any!

It largely depends on where you are going. In South East Asia I lost a little bit of weight because due to the heat I felt more of a need to drink rather than eat, and I also got sick for a few days. In Australia and New Zealand I didn't lose weight, as my eating habits were similar to what they were at home. In Argentina I put on a bit of weight as I was eating huge steaks and mashed potatoes most nights!

You are guaranteed to loose weight if you are on a shoestring budget and your method of transport is not the bus or the train but your own bicycle.

Been there, done that.

Hey! Im just wondering whether anyone has experienced weight loss during travelling??!

I was trying my hardest to lose a small amount of weight but then suddenly got it in my head that i would lose weight when travelling, so I really hope this is the case as my dedication to the gym has gone back down to zero!! im trying my hardest to get it back up again but i dont think it will be easy....and i want to look hot on the beach!!!

what are other peoples experiences of this??

thanks xx

hi roxy85
well it depend on were you are in the world if it hot or not iv lost about an stone in weight if not more and im not happy lol but if you cum to oz every one drink beer and as you know that put weight on if ur not an drinker then you will be ok if you need an help im an person trainer might be able to give you some tips

I lost a considerable amount of weight on my first trip away. Being in the heat in Australia, walking around a lot with a heavy backpack, and needing lots of water to keep my sanity did wonders.

hope your not like me
I eat what i like (when the wife is not looking)
i walk for england,
Eat nowt but fruit,
swim 3 hours a day,
stopped smoking,
change my underpants every day,
carry shopping bags for old people,
and try not to drink beer before 9am.
that why i look like a greyhound
im sure you will look hot on your jollys.
i do
just enjoy

Weight loss during travelling?!

Weight loss during travelling?!

Weight loss during travelling?!

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