Cheapest leave ticket...

I'm going to Thailand in about a month, and I still need to purchase an exit ticket.
I was thinking of getting a train ticket from Bangkok to Butterworth (Malaysia), but they need to deliver the ticket, and with me traveling around Australia... it's not really going to be easy to have anything delivered.

Just have them hold the ticket for you, I did. I used in Bangkok (close to Khao San Road) and it worked fine

You are sure you even need to onward ticket right? Just entering and getting the visa waver they wont ask for an onward ticket.

If you really do need a onward ticket, then check out Air Asia. You might still be able to pick up a flight from a number of places out, just check out their specials or keep plugging in locations and destinations. Krabi to K/L as an example was $30 for me last year.

The airline you fly to Thailand with may ask to see an onward ticket, I've heard from other travellers that airlines operating out of Australia to Thailand are regularly asking to see the onward tickets before people are allowed to check in for their flight. Also, according to the Thai Immigration rules this ticket has to be a plane ticket and cannot be a train or bus ticket.

It's not unheard of that Immigration ask for an onward ticket, a lady in the queue next to us at Bangkok airport was asked to show one when we were last in Thailand.

[ 19-Mar-2010, at 11:04 by loubylou ]

I entered Thailand on an open-jaw airline ticket (into Bangkok and out of Hanoi) and my airline (Asiana) never asked to see an onward ticket of any kind (Thai Immigration did not ask either).

[ 19-Mar-2010, at 11:12 by Daawgon ]

I've emailed the Canadian Embassy in Thailand to figure out what the regulations are, but I believe that having an onward flight is fairly necessary. I would opt to purchase a train ticket and just pick it up myself, but I wouldn't have any valid confirmation to show anyone at the airport.

Thanks a bunch everyone for what you had to say though. I'll let ya know what happens.

It's not unheard of that Immigration ask for an onward ticket, a lady in the queue next to us at Bangkok airport was asked to show one when we were last in Thailand.

Your story seems to be a lot more subdued from when you told it in 2007.

My boyfriend and I had a different experience to everyone else entering Thailand last month through Bangkok airport. The Immigration desks had big signs up saying that people had to produce their passport, arrival card, boarding card (from the flight they had just come from) and an onward ticket. The Immigration Officers also asked EVERY person from our flight for an onward ticket and even refused one lady entry because she didn't have one. It took us forever to get through Immigration - between them checking onward flights and them counting how many days people had spent in Thailand over the last 6 months - and we missed our bus connection!

We were lucky in that we had an onward ticket to show, the Immigration Officers seem to be enforcing this rule when they feel like it and some people have taken the risk and it hasn't paid off. We also entered Thailand overland from Cambodia at Koh Kro Kong and we were asked for an onward ticket there too!

And yes strange that your experience is so different from everyone else.

There have been a few reports on Lonely Planet Thorn Tree forum of people being asked for onward tickets over the last year or so. I was just trying to make the point that Thai Immigration seem to go through phases of asking for the tickets. If you are asked for one and don't have it then you are up the creek, really.

Yes, what you have quoted was our experience in 2007, we haven't been back to Thailand since 2008, but just to reinforce the point - we are living in SE Asia now (we are British passport holders) and when flying to other countries in SE Asia we have been asked every time by the airline to produce an onward ticket or a visa in advance, eventhough Immigration of those countries have the stipulation of an onward ticket in their entry rules but generally don't ask for it. The only exception has been when we have travelled to Malaysia.

From talking to other travellers and seeing posts on other forums, it's more likely going to be the airline the OP flies with who asks for the onward ticket rather than Immigration, so rather than contacting the Thai embassy, a phone call to the airline may be a better bet to see if they insist on an onward ticket? The airlines are more wary of this due to them being responsible for putting you on a flight back to where you have come from (at their cost) if Immigration refuse you entry, so that's why they ask people the airline just aren't willing to take the risk. Maybe it's only certain airlines who ask, but in the past we were asked by Cathay Pacific, Air Asia and Cebu Pacific for onward tickets.

[ 19-Mar-2010, at 22:49 by loubylou ]

Cheapest leave ticket...

Cheapest leave ticket...

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