Going to Koh Tao....need some accom ideas for sairee beach.

Hi i was wondering if anyone can help me....i will be heading of to Koh Tao and i wanted some accommodation recommendations for sairee beach. I have been to Koh Tao before about 4 years ago but cant remember all the place's and the prices would have probably changed. If anyone can give me some up to date info on places and prices i would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance

I stayed at Ban's diving resort while I was there 2 years ago and did Open Water. For me Ban's was a great experience, but then again I don't have comparison to the other hotels. It's a very young crowd and while I was there there was always a lot of partying going on and good spirits. To me it felt a bit like being at a boarding-school as I got to know some great people and kept running into them, eating breakfast-lunch-dinner with them and then partying in the night, but I guess that's not really what everyone is looking for....and sorry but I don't remember the prices, I guess I'm not any more up to date than you are

I've researched Koh Tao and for Sairee beach I shortlisted these accom's:
Khun Ying House-double,fan-550B
Sairee Hut Resort-fan bungalow-400B;fan room-600B
Wind Resort,double,fan-600B,new,recommended.
These were probably 2009 prices but if you simply google each place........

Going to Koh Tao....need some accom ideas for sairee beach.

Going to Koh Tao....need some accom ideas for sairee beach.

Going to Koh Tao....need some accom ideas for sairee beach.

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