N1U9F8C7 has indicated that this thread is about Australia
I'll try to answer your questions on Australia below, not sure I'd be much help on the others!
1.Where abouts in Australia is best to visit at this time of year?
I guess this depends what you want to do, I'd want to explore up north as it's the dry season and you'll get the most out of being up there. If you can fly into Sydney that would be ideal, from there you can do the north bit of the east coast then head over to Uluru, Darwin, then Broome, then Perth by November.
2.We are thinking of buying a CamperVan whilst out there, would it be best to do that in the Summer months? Or maybe buy in the winter months because value may be down?
Campers tend to be expensive around holidays times like Christmas and Easter, where you buy the camper will have the biggest influence on cost as cars and vans tend to be cheaper in Sydney and Melbourne. Just make sure when you buy you thoroughly check it out mechanically and understand insurance and registration for the state it's registered in.
3.Seeing as we are arriving in May, what would you say is the best route to travel round? I.E, getting the best weather everywhere we go.
Same as in 1.
4.Would it be worth working as soon as we get there seeing as though we don’t arrive at the best time?
And also, how difficult is it to get farm work in the colder and wetter months?
Not sure how hard farm work will be to get, probably best to take it when you can.
5.(I have been told that to obtain a second years WHV you need to do three months of work at one place, but it has to be in certain areas of Australia) Can someone please tell me what areas these are please?
Not sure how WHV works, the might help.
6.(My friend lives in Perth and he said it is the best place to spend most of the summer months) What does everyone else think about this?
Perth will be a good place in summer especially if you have a friend there, but spending all summer there might be a bit long unless you're working.

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