Help needed! I am a 32 year old British female who is on the verge of quitting her job to travel before it's too late! Probably planning to leave in the first quarter of 2011.
I ideally would like to do SE Asia, Australia, New Zealand and maybe South America in 3 months, but may be able to stretch this to 6. The problem I am having is that there is so much information I don't know where to start. I think I need to know if the above is feasible, and budget wise what I should be looking at. If anyone could help that would be most appreciated, also if anyone fancies joining me I would love a companion!
First of all - go for it! I promise you that you won't regret it, and you will not be on your own for long.
I left England in September 2009 for my first proper stint of travelling at the age of 30, I did SE Asia, Oz, New Zealand and Fiji in 9 months, and even that was a bit of a tight squeeze.
South East Asia is an amazing part of the world - incredibly cheap and so much to see, I loved it. I think I was spending around £600 a month, and not holding back on anything! Ie eating out all the time, going out most nights, and generally enjoying it all.
Oz is fine, but very expensive. We were spending around £250 a week there, and being very frugal, ie never eating out, and very rarely going out drinking, mainly getting cheap goon (a kind of wine) and getting drunk in the hostels we stayed in.
New Zealand is another amazing country, which I loved. So much to see, and so many beautiful towns. I probably spent about the same per week in NZ as I did in Oz, although it is slightly cheaper and the hostels are much nicer.
You didn't mention Fiji, but if you are in the area go there, it is my new favourite country ever.
Didn't do South America, but it is now on my list of places to visit. Just need to get back home, get a job, save some more money, and then once I've got the funds I'll be off again!
Good luck.
Wow, thanks for the quick response! The more I read on here, the more excited I get! SE Asia is definately on the list, in that case, and also NZ, I have family over there so that might cut the cost a little. I have spoken to my mortgage company this morning and they would let me take a payment holiday up to 6 months, so that'd be another weight off my mind! I think the next step is to buy some books, and take it from there!!
I have returned from oz this year and am gutted i had to really.
Am looking into another trip - looking to try and do it all before im 30 - im 28...
Thinking of NZ and asia and a quick hello to oz again. Any ideas on Budgets - asia is new to me... NZ too.. might even pick up a work visa..
I visitd FIJI and its also my fave place to go
By the looks of things, you can do SE Asia comfortably on about £600 a month, I am going to buy a guide book this afternoon! I know I am too old (!) to work in Oz but does anyone know if there are the same age restrictions for NZ?
Yep, I'm pretty certain the same age restrictions apply for NZ as Oz. I literally got my working holiday visa for their a couple of weeks before I turned 31, so I only just squeezed in.
I know I am too old (!) to work in Oz but does anyone know if there are the same age restrictions for NZ?
If you're a UK citizen, you're in luck. The regular New Zealand WHV runs to age 30, but there's a less known nearly identical program which goes up to age 35. It's a bit more expensive, but of course if it's your only option because of age, it's totally worth it. For other people reading this: you can even apply for this program if you've already used a regular New Zealand WHV. (And I'm totally jealous, as it's not available for Dutch citizens. )
Hi! I'm 29, female, American, and also about to quit my job to travel. I'm definitely a bit nervous as this is a HUGE leap for me! I've always followed the narrow path and worked ever since college, but I don't like my job. I'm hoping to find some inspiration on my travels that may lead to a career change altogether!
I completely agree that there's an overwhelming amount of information and number of choices as to where to go. I'm struggling to nail down my plans, but at this point definitely intend to visit/volunteer in southern Africa, India and Nepal at some point in 2011. Have you decided for certain where you're going?
Anyhow, if you want to keep in touch with someone who's making a similar life change, let me know! I find it's helpful to network and chat with others who have a like mindset. Most of my US friends are in a very different phase of their lives--married, kids, settled. I think most of them think I'm a bit nuts, but I feel I have to take a chance and go for it! Wish you all the best!
Help needed! I am a 32 year old British female who is on the verge of quitting her job to travel before it's too late! Probably planning to leave in the first quarter of 2011.
I ideally would like to do SE Asia, Australia, New Zealand and maybe South America in 3 months, but may be able to stretch this to 6. The problem I am having is that there is so much information I don't know where to start. I think I need to know if the above is feasible, and budget wise what I should be looking at. If anyone could help that would be most appreciated, also if anyone fancies joining me I would love a companion!
I am a 28 year old South African female living in England, I am doing exactly what you have just suggested I plan to quit my job and do some travelling from Jan 2011, I am very keen to do SE Asia and Australia plus NZ. I would love the company if anyone is doing a similar thing.
Hi there
I am a 32 year old South African (lived in England now for 10yrs) and have decided that I am ready to do a bit more travelling than I have already done.
It will be in the 1st quarter on 2011 and I am looking at heading to New Zealand with the visa from Bunac. Hopefully earning some cash to then go visit some of SE Asia as well as the States, then back here.
If anyone is in the same boat, or looking for a companion - that would be brilliant! please get in touch.

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