what is the average price of a cheap motel in usa in may/june time
what is the average price of a log cabin or camping in a national park
It all depends on location and the time of year. I suggest you search several motel chain websites: Motel 6, Econo Lodge, Travelodge - all inexpensive
(Days Inn, Best Western will be a little more). By the way, you picked the most expensive time of year!
The will give you camping price information by individual park sites
is a great resource for camping in Oregon - a really popular camping destination
Here's an example of camping prices at an Oregon beach -
[ 13-Sep-2010, at 17:12 by Daawgon ]
Thats a really broad question, i guess it depends where you are, i've stayed in cheap roadside motels in North and South Carolina for as little as $30 per night, others cheapies on the beach in Florida for $100-$150 per night,
State park camping rates can run from $12 to $20 per night, again it depends where you are, i'm sure a campsite next to the Grand Canyon may set you back $50 a night ,
As posted it depends on where you stay. But I am the master of the basic, cheap motel and have rented them all over the country. Unless you are near a big city my experience with Budget Inn, Motel 6 etc. has been in the $45-$60/night range.
One thing I did notice was Motel 6 as a policy does not offer continental breakfasts. That is a real convenient, cheap way to get the day going. I'm fine with cereal, a bagel, juice and coffee for breakfast. Some offer waffles. Motel 6 does not offer this.
[ 15-Sep-2010, at 04:10 by DaveinMD ]
To give you a rough idea I would budget for between $40 and $60 per night, camping maybe a little bit cheaper. Your best bet is consulting the National Park Service for further information on camping. Often if you use a motel chain on numerous occasions you can get a discount on your stays, always worth bearing in mind.
Will booking in advance save money on cheap motels or are prices pretty much set. I was thinking if I book a number of motels for certain dates will give me a marker on where I need to be by a certain date??
Will booking in advance save money on cheap motels or are prices pretty much set. I was thinking if I book a number of motels for certain dates will give me a marker on where I need to be by a certain date??
Pre booking many hotels in advace is going to lock you into a schedule that leaves no room for spontaneity , Booking a few in the larger cities might be a good idea as hotel prices can easily get into the $200 range in most downtown areas.
Yeah I would check the travel sites for the rooms that you feel will be expensive (big city) and try to get them at a discount. For the rest I'd just wing it, as stated this will leave more flexibility.

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