Most of the posts on this site seem to be from and geared to the younger traveller. I am about to take a belated gap year (at 63) and would welcome contact from other more mature travellers,in terms of years that is!! ie travel buddies and tips and experiences. Come on older and maybe lone travellers, get in touch!!
Most of the posts on this site seem to be from and geared to the younger traveller. I am about to take a belated gap year (at 63) and would welcome contact from other more mature travellers,in terms of years that is!! ie travel buddies and tips and experiences. Come on older and maybe lone travellers, get in touch!!
I can tell you from first hand experience that there are quite a few retirees visiting Thailand and having a good time too! Many even prefer to move there for a few years to stretch their retirement checks out a little. I have run across women tourists in their late 70's traveling alone in Thailand without any real problems. If you have medical condition that could cause a problem make sure you get an okay from your doctor.
Most of the time older travelers have some income that allows them to stay in slightly better places than the millions of backpacker kids that travel overseas. So, right off the bat you have better accommodation and perhaps not have to eat street food all the time to survive. Also you have the sense to read up on the places you intend to visit to have a rough idea on what area start at. Have a budget plan. Know ahead of time how much you can afford for a hotel so when you ask for recommendations or suggestions we can provide a room in your price range.
When you travel older it is not much different than you traveling 25 years younger except that the strains and pains may last a little longer. When you fly choose your seats ahead of time so you don't get the seats rejected by more experienced travelers. If different airlines have flights around the same price use the airline where you don't have to get up so early in the morning or not have to arrive overseas in the middle of the night. Read up on the things you are allowed to take into the plane with you (TSA Regulations, if the US) so you know what is allowed or not allowed. Show up at the airport early so you don't have to run around crazy getting to your gates or worrying about flight times if standing in long lines. Wear comfortable clothing, comfortable shoes. I like trousers with pouch pockets on the legs that I can stuff things in. When flying get up often to stretch your legs, drink liquids but keep the booze down or skip it, even if it is free. Remember to keep any prescriptions available in your carry on bag if you have long flights like to Europe or Asia.
By the time you are retired you know enough to shut up and listen. You shouldn't have a problem traveling alone or with friends just relax and take it easy and don't let little stupid things bug you so much that your blood pressure goes up. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. If you are not used to walking do some training right now. Travel forums like this one have good information on hotels, transportation, restaurants and visa advice. Do some homework before you travel and you will have an easier time.
Good luck.
I'm "only" 40, but there are a lot of 55+ expats who come here to China. They teach English or study full-time, but really that's just to get a long-term visa. They come for a new experience, now that they are retired, have an empty nest, or (in a few case) are newly widowed, and now have the freedom to travel. Unfortunately, the Chinese government has recently introduced visa restrictions on over-60 expats. But there are other countries with similar opportunities, if that interests you.
A 70-something American teacher I knew (we worked at the same university) travelled alone in her holidays, all over China. Because of her age, people were very kind to her, and helped her wherever she went. She was even invited to stay at a nunnery, when she was in Hong Kong. She had more interesting adventures than her colleagues, who were one third her age.
Yes, I know what you mean, as I'm getting up there myself at 67. I'm fairly poor, so I like cheap, exotic locales like Indochina. I used to love Mexico, but I fear that it's getting beyond my means. Thank God I went to Scandinavia years ago when it was moderately priced. I still refuse to take those all-inclusive tours where you get stuck with some roommate you dislike, and Elderhostel seems to me to be somewhat of a joke and grossly misnamed. It's a young person's world, and here in the States the senior citizens are barely tolerated. Asian society is certainly better at their treatment of our age group than most Westerners. I still do hesitate to frequent bars and night spots anywhere in the world for fear of rejection by the younger clientele. All I can say is that travel at any age is one hell of a lot better than staying home and playing bingo!
I'm 50 plus, I started travelling again after my husband died, even though I couldnt really afford it- lifes too short not to do what you want.
I love asia and the pacific.
I look for warm weather,my own space, a pool or the sea. I budget on approx 300nzd maximum per week( I rent my house out while I'm away) .I use housecarers and helpx sites to extend my budget and love the Fales in samoa- you can have your own fale by the sea with breakfast and dinner for between 350 - 490 wst ( approx 210-300nzd) per week.
ok theres no windows or doors, no aircon, cold showers... but beautiful beaches at your doorstep, cool breezes, mosquito nets and people respect little old ladies.
I am presently housesitting in Savusavu Fiji, from May- Sept. Have a house and garden the whole trip will cost me less than staying at home .
I say to other 'LOL's' ( little old ladies) - just do it.
I'm 50 plus, I started travelling again after my husband died, even though I couldnt really afford it- lifes too short not to do what you want.
I love asia and the pacific.
I look for warm weather,my own space, a pool or the sea. I budget on approx 300nzd maximum per week( I rent my house out while I'm away) .I use housecarers and helpx sites to extend my budget and love the Fales in samoa- you can have your own fale by the sea with breakfast and dinner for between 350 - 490 wst ( approx 210-300nzd) per week.
ok theres no windows or doors, no aircon, cold showers... but beautiful beaches at your doorstep, cool breezes, mosquito nets and people respect little old ladies.
I am presently housesitting in Savusavu Fiji, from May- Sept. Have a house and garden the whole trip will cost me less than staying at home .
I say to other 'LOL's' ( little old ladies) - just do it.
Good on you Robyn! It's lovely that you have started travelling again. I'm a pom living in NZ and I find it amazing to be able to visit the Pacific Islands so easily. They are so beautiful and relaxed.
I agree that life is too short not to do what you want; I never want to have any regrets travel-wise!

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