From Costa Rica to Bolivia -- need some advice please!

Hello! I am trying to find the best way to get from San Jose in Costa Rica to the La Paz area in Bolivia. I have two and a half weeks to make the trip. I'm hoping to take buses, but I'm wondering about the safety. I am a 20 year old girl and do not look latina at all -- blonde and small. Is it safe for me to travel by myself or with another person?


I haven't travelled S. America yet, hoping to soon! However I've travelled from Costa rica into Panama before. I spent 3 weeks travelling around Panama and then went back to Costa rica for 2 weeks to relax on the beach at Dominical. I wouldn't attempt to make a trip like you are talking about in 2 and a half weeks, you simply wouldn't see anything.

You can travel by bus from San Jose into Panama. We flew from San Jose to David in North Panama and then did the rest by bus. We flew with panama air because all the buses were fully booked when we wanted to travel as it was christmas.

I would say that parts of Panama are definitely not safe for a lone female traveller. The Darien Gap is a very dangerous area and you are advised to only approach the area with a police escort! Seriously!
You mention Colon. We travelled to Colon on the Panama Canal railway. Colon is up there with one of the top 3 scariest places i've visited. A very poor, crime riddled, dangerous place. The Taxi driver made a point of showing us his collection of handguns in his glove box.

If you're going to do this trip in 2 . 5 weeks then you will need to fly possibly from San Jose to Panama city, spend several days in Panama and then onto Bolivia. But I wouldn' recommend it. Do a smaller trip or find more time and try to find a travel buddy or two, safety in numbers.

The boat will take too long for your needs. You have to fly. You have NO time to accomplish what you want unless you are on a plane at one point.

yes i would recomend flights as well... I've just been in peru bolivia and argentina.... believe me it's not that close as it looks like...
a little example for you
from lima to cusco it takes more as 20 hours... and I' m sure you dont want skip machu picchu... then you have to be minimum (absolutely minimum 2 days)
so if you come directly from ecuador border... this would add (I'm just guessing) around 17 hours more... so if you have perfect connections and you will sleep nearly a day in cusco and then visiting one day machu picchu....
this would be allready 4 to 5 very tired days.... so a big part of your time budget if you just use buses and want cross all this countries
I hope this example helped (because I overdidi me as well a bit with the distances in Argentina)

My advice: if you don't want any trouble, just fly from San Jose to La Paz. Period.

please fly a "big" part

a few years ago i traveled from Lima to Ecuador by bus, it takes about thirty hours
with three scales Lima- tumbes, tumbes - Guaquillas, Guaquillas - quito(ecuador).
it was little heavy. it depends how organize your trip. but not suggest all way by bus.

From Costa Rica to Bolivia -- need some advice please!

From Costa Rica to Bolivia -- need some advice please!

From Costa Rica to Bolivia -- need some advice please!

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