Anyone know of boats-ships etc going from Hawaii to Japan or any other interesting-unusual ways of going from Hawaii to Japan.
Well you can't drive to hawaii. plane or by boat is your only options and plane would be cheaper.
Well you can't drive to hawaii. plane or by boat is your only options and plane would be cheaper.
very informative
and there was me thinking my atlas was out of date
I dont but you should go to google maps and go to "get directions"
for destination type in USA and for leaving from type in Japan
that might give you some ideas as to how to get to japan
There are cruises that go from the orient (including Japan) to Alaska. And there are other cruises that go from Alaska to the west coast of the US--and there are cruises that go from the west coast of the US to Hawaii--so you could do this the opposite direction to get there.
However, there are no cruises that go from Hawaii directly to Japan (or other parts of the Orient). The reason is very simple--lack of demand, and a lack of places for the cruise ship to stop along the way.

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