You'd be hard pressed to see the more expensive areas of SA with that amount. You can carve out a decent time in Colombia and Venezuela and Ecuador on that. I've never been to Brazil because of all of the hassle of the visa, but Chile is pretty fucking expensive and Argentina is no lightweight. Uruguay, that shy unassuming girl over there in the corner, is a good place to go for that much as well. Remember, SA is HUGE! So travel is going to eat up your money fast if you are thinking of "doing" SA>
South amercia is not cheap if you are going to all the standard touristy spots, eg Rio, BA, Iguazu, inca trail.
Brazil, Argentina and Chile are pretty much on a par with the UK. And as the area to cover is huge, you will spend quite a bit of money travelling/buses etc.
Go onto a hostel site to figure out how much you are going to spend on accommodation and that will give you a good idea.
I spent 3 months in South America this year, and spent about 10,000 pounds.
a good way to save money is having top-notch spanish and stay with and eat where the locals do.
thank Piecar and cam_sarah for feedback, I knew that the most expensive parts are chile and argentina i dont think i will end up bothering with brazil due to the visa complications, so I was thinking bolivia, uruaguay, ecuador and peru for the 2 and a half months, as i dont want to spend to whole trip travelling want to see the culture and the lifestyle of south america.
So perhaps I change my budget to say £4-5,000 for the 3 months, surely that'd be enough.
I spent 6 months in South America last year. I went to Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and for a few days to Brazil as well.
Bolivia is really cheap. You can travel for $15 a day. Ecuador and Peru cost me about $25-27 per day, Argentina and Chile about $40. Brazil is really expensive about $50 per day. At least this is what I was spending. These are costs per person when traveling with another person.
I hope this information helps you
All the best with your trip
thanks magda apparently bolivia is a beautiful place and with it being cheap is even better, which will probably prolong my stay to be honest. Ecuador is also the same cheap and scenic I believe. Probably the most expensive place will either be chile or argentina think I will avoid brazil. What is Mexico like aswell please? as that was mentioned by my friend, if we did go that would be the last destination of our trip.
I hope you meant $10k and not pounds sterling ....
Anyway, I did 6 months to the day in 07/08 and spent almost bang on £1k per month average.
Chile being the most expensive, followed by Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Peru then Bolivia the cheapest.
My wife and I splurged a lot on really nice meals, ate out almost all the time, drank daily, saw every attraction we went near, visited bodega's, football matches, paragluiding, trekked in the Torres, walked the Inca Trail, took the Navimag ferry. I didn't feel anything was out of our range at £30 per person per day.
With the way the exchange rate has been I would up that to nearer £40pppd now. It was $2.02 per £1 when we went. Not sure on exact figures now but maybe $1.55 to the pound??
Sorry to go off-topic but what's this about visa problems in Brazil? I thought people from the UK could get a typical 90 day tourist exemption on arrival?
From many travellers i have heard many problems about Brazil's visa problems, that there is a 8 hour wait at the crossings and not always guaranteed entry into the country after those 8 hours.. a friend of mine waitied the 8 hours and got escorted to an office in the nearest city (unsure what the name was), to authorise his visa, which he was told was eligible to enter when he recieved it before he started his travels. However there are other stories that travellers have had no problems whatsoever gaining entry into Brazil.
However my south american trip aims to visit the lesser attractive countries such as Uruaguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile ending in Cuba. With maybe a short stop in Argentina few days max. Trip is to soak in culture in these less economic countries and historical sights such as the inca trial, micchu picchu.

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