Hello I am a young mom who would like to take advantage of my husbands upcoming job change. He will be in the Mediterranean Sea bordering areas of Europe for about 6 months or so. I have several questions
1 Have I lost my mind lol? But seriously is this something that could be done?
2 How expensive would this be? I dont expect prices but I need some guiding in what I should try to plan for. Also if it wouldn't be affordable to do the whole time overseas maybe a month or two?
3 where do I try to stay ?
4 How safe is it for a woman and children to do this sort of thing? While I do own a gun I assume some countries wouldnt want me to bring it ?
5Any other thoughts , advice , or things to consider would be greatly appreciated.
I think you haven't lost your mind at all. It's normal and to my point of view, there are lots of cheap accommodations in Europe in which you could choose from. Bringing your gun I think is prohibited.
Why would you need to bring a gun?
Anyway - if you tried it, you'd be arrested at the airport of departure, unless you had the correct paperwork to transport it.
The price of your stay and flight over will depend solely on where you're flying from/to (you don't mention this) and which countries you're talking about.
Finding a place and renting it long-term, will work out much-much cheaper than moving around to different accommodation all the time.

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