Travel Companion Central and South America, for me interested in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, in Central America not very interested in Costa Rica, nice pass through, speak advanced Spanish and street slang, love navigating cities as well as small towns, was a guide many years ago based in Guatemala and El Salvador, still live there. Contact me in advance so I can arrange many lodging places ahead of time, I take First class buses between countries in Central america such as the Tica Bus, and First Class bus internationally or on long hauls in South America. As a guide 1985 to 1997 in Central America drove 500,00 miles or 800,000 km. with no problems, bring a camera and laptop if you wish in order to bloq, I will watch your back. I have a site, bloqs, more info send me a private message with your e mail, if you live in USA or Canada able to call you on telephone free of charge. Prefer you speak at least basic Spanish. Feb and March 2011. /Easy going, no rush. I am over 60 now
Hey, please let me know if you come to Colombia - Bogota! I have many plans for you to do! I work for a cultural center for foreigners!
Sent you a private message.

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