julian1973 has indicated that this thread is about United Kingdom
Why don't you just use Vietnam's simple VOA Approval Letter as I do. It's a simple matter to do online and cheaper than sending off to a consulate. I use visa4vietnam.com where I apply online, they then send me an email copy of the approval letter stamped by Viet Immigration. I show the letter to my airline for boarding, and then have the hard copy visa placed in my passport on arrival at Hanoi Airport. I pay about $15. for the letter, and another $25. on arrival at the airport. They specify 2 passport pictures, but actually they take only 1. I've used this method for all 4 of my trips - it's just so much easier.
Cambodia is even simpler as you can just buy your visa at the airport with no pre-approval at all.
(once you land in Vietnam, you need to have a local contact address - I just put down my Hanoi Hotel and it's street address)
You will love Hanoi - the most interesting city in SE Asia! If you need a hotel recommendation, send me a PM (I'm basically an expert on inexpensive hotels - stayed in about 12 of them in that town)
[ 07-Jan-2011, at 12:05 by Daawgon ]
Phnom Penh is visa on arrival. Cost is $20 for a 1 month visa. All you need to do is fill out a form when you arrive. Make sure you have a passport photo with you.

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